41 examples of porthos in sentences

" At the street gate Porthos was talking with the soldiers on guard.

Between the two there was just room for a man to pass, and D'Artagnan hurried on, only to find himself enveloped in the long velvet cloak of Porthos, which the wind had blown out.

"The fellow must be mad," said Porthos, "to run against people in this manner!

Do you always forget your eyes when you happen to be in a hurry?" "No," replied D'Artagnan, who, in extricating himself from the cloak, had observed that the handsome cloth of gold coat worn by Porthos was only gold in front and plain buff at the back, "no, and thanks to my eyes, I can see what others cannot see.

" "Monsieur," said Porthos angrily, "you stand a chance of getting chastised if you run against musketeers in this fashion.

D'Artagnan, conscious of a certain want of politeness in his treatment of Athos and Porthos, and determined to be more obliging in future, stooped and picked up the handkerchiefmuch to the vexation of Aramis, who denied all claim to the delicate piece of cambric.

" "What!" cried D'Artagnan as Porthos and Aramis appeared.

"Are you not aware that we are never seen one without the others, and that we are called the three inseparables?" "What does this mean?" said Porthos, who had now come up and stood astonished.

"Why I am also going to fight with him," said Porthos.

" At this word "excuses" a cloud passed over the brow of Athos, a haughty smile curled the lip of Porthos, and a negative sign was the reply of Aramis.

The cardinal's guards!" cried Aramis and Porthos at the same time.

" Athos, Porthos, and Aramis instantly closed in, and Jussac drew up his soldiers.

Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and D'Artagnan, forward!" The nine combatants rushed upon each other with fury, and the battle ended in the utter discomfiture of the cardinal's guards, one of whom was slain and three badly wounded.

D'Artagnan marched between Athos and Porthos, his heart full of delight.

Porthos was exactly the opposite of Athos.

The physical strength of Porthos was enormous, and with all the vanity of a child he was a thoroughly loyal and brave man.

Between Paris and Calais, Porthos, Aramis, and Athos were all left behind, wounded by Richelieu's guards, and D'Artagnan only effected a passage to Dover by fighting and nearly killing a young noble who held a permit from the cardinal to leave France.

Athos, Porthos, and Aramis.

Porthos and Aramis sat down at the table to dice, while Athos walked up and down the room in a thoughtful mood.

The cardinal gave his final instructions to Milady, and departed with Porthos and Aramis.

" "For my part," said the gigantic Porthos, "I certainly want to be made a baron.

And Porthos mentioned that Athos had an adopted son.

"Dear D'Artagnan, dear Porthos,My friends, perhaps this is the last time you will hear from me.

"Did you promise the queen to storm the Tower of London? Come, Porthos, what do you think of this business?" "Nothing good," said Porthos.

Fortunately, D'Artagnan managed to get Athos out of the court quickly, and then, followed by Porthos and Aramis, they mingled in the crowd outside undetected.

41 examples of  porthos  in sentences