11 examples of poseur in sentences

Norris, sometimes I think that you are a poseur.

Montaigne is always original, frank, sincere: Cicero (in his orations) is always a Poseur.]

To a woman, it means to take some mansome utterly commonplace man, perhapsperhaps, only an idle poseur such as you are, Felixand to set him up on a pedestal, and to bow down and worship him; and to protest loudly, both to the world and to herself, that in spite of all appearances her idol really hasn't feet of clay, or that, at any rate, it is the very nicest clay in the world.

"Now, gentlemen, let me sell you Georgea first-rate bricklayerexcellent poseur de briquesbears an excellent characteronly he absconded once from his master for a few days.

There is nothing poseur or dramatic about him.

" There was nothing whatever of the gallant poseur in his manner, whatever were the words.

Poseur, perhaps, but an emperor these days may need to be a poseur in order to wear the ermine of Divine Right convincingly to most of his subjects.

Poseur, perhaps, but an emperor these days may need to be a poseur in order to wear the ermine of Divine Right convincingly to most of his subjects.

He was such a poseur, his simulation of emotion was so melodramatic that I wondered if he really imagined I would be impressed by it.

Many consider Tolstoy a poseur, but he sincerely believes in himself.

"No, he isn't," said Father Payne, "that's the worst of itbut he is a frantic poseur.

11 examples of  poseur  in sentences