873 examples of posing in sentences

There was quite a crowd around the camels watching them peacefully chew their cuds, as they do at evening on the dessert, and the Arabs who had charge of the camels were standing around, posing as though they were the whole thing, when the old black, double-hump camel got his quart of horseradish down into one of his stomachs, as he was kneeling down on all fours.

"Darrin," continued Jetson, "when you risked Coventry in the effort to save me from it, I thought you were posing, though for the life of me I couldn't fathom your motive.

His earnest protests had long since been overruled, and certainly no one could have accused him of posing for a single moment as the reluctant bridegroom.

"Very good," nodded the ringmaster, as Andy rode around the ring, posing, several times.

These with a regularity almost religious, spent an hour of every day, weather permitting, splashing in the gentle surf or posing on the beach in costumes more or less revealing, according to the contour of the wearer.

"It is that your daughter, while pretending to be his advocate, was really in the plot against hima double traitor to him because posing as his friend.

They know they are posing, and in spite of their public experience they're as bashful as schoolboys or as arrogant as policemen, according to their personal characteristics.

He stood there as if he was posing for animal crackers.

The worst element in Byron at this time was his insincerity, his continual posing as the hero of his poetry.

How far he was led by his desire for posing as a hero, and how far by a certain vigorous Viking spirit that was certainly in him, will never be known.

So Peter was posing, pretending he did not see the girl, to disarm his employer's suspicions,pretending not to see a girl rigged out like that!

So it was that his Excellency, with a sheepish smile, and posing as a disappointed hunter, ordered an immediate return to Los Baños.

AN OWL Death to that aristocrat posing as a democrat and socialist!

The next day was his day for posing, and as he stood arrayed in the Marquis de Neuville's suit of mail he chanced to see himself in one of the long mirrors, and was for the first time so struck with the ferocity of his appearance that he determined to see if old man Stein had not a suit of imitation armor, which would not be so heavy and would look as well.

To go from the posing and chatter of the Union Debating Society to a university laboratory is, in Britain, to renounce ambition.

Tahitians were indifferent models, as they were not much interested in pictures, not seeing objects, as we do, and found posing irksome.

People are asking, "Can there be a hidden brain in the Foreign Office?" *** A German posing as a Swiss, and stated by the police to be "a spy and a dangerous character," has been sentenced to six months' imprisonment.

It's a cruel law, don't you think?" Adelaide thought not; she thought it, on the contrary, an admirable device to "save the face" of a mercenary lover posing as a sentimentalist and money-spurner.

In what she told me there was a certain posing for originality, but she was certainly not posing as a victim.

In what she told me there was a certain posing for originality, but she was certainly not posing as a victim.

There is less of artistic tea-drinking, esthetic posing, and soulful talk; and more opportunity for that loneliness out of which great art comes.

It was with some difficulty that we got in, even though we were expected, for some of the more enterprising had already fooled the family by posing as officers of the law and messengers from Dr. Dixon.

Evidently he believed himself irresistible, and his smirking, posing, and ogling were ludicrous to the last degree.

In his personal bearing there is nothing of that self-assertion, that posing, which is a common defect of his distinguished countrymen.

The Brat stands on the top of a step-ladder, dexterously posing the last wintry garland; and all we others are resting a momentwe and our coadjutors.

873 examples of  posing  in sentences