52 examples of positing in sentences

Instead of positing a purely fictitious process, the process which it alleges proves to be one actually going on around us.

It may happen, indeed, that some natural phenomenon, some property or piece of furniture, is the very pivot of the scene; in which case it must, of course, be posited from the first.

A reasonable audience will, if necessary, endure a certain amount of exposition, a certain positing of character and circumstance, before the tension sets in; but when it once has set in, the playwright must on no account suffer it to relax until he deliberately resolves it just before the fall of the curtain.

We never get beyond the circle of our ideas, and if we posit a thing-in-itself as the ground and object of the idea, this also is simply a thought, an idea.

Anxiety and hope concerning future events lead us to posit unseen powers as directing our destiny, and to seek their favor.

The abiding self (ego, soul) which we posit back of internal phenomena is, as the Dialectic will show, a mere Idea, which, or, rather, the object of which, maybe "thought" as substance, it is true, but cannot be "given" in intuition, hence cannot be "known.

It is a contradiction, to be sure, to say that God is not almighty, just as it is a contradiction to deny that a triangle has three angles: if posit the concept I must not remove the predicate which necessarily belongs to it.

This means to affirm or posit one's self, to be a subject-object.

The nature of the ego consists in positing itself as existing.

These two principles must be united, and this can be accomplished only by positing the contraries (ego and non-ego), since they are both in the ego, as reciprocally limiting or partially sublating one another, that is, each as divisible (capable of quantitative determination).

%(c) The Theoretical Ego.%In positing itself as determined by the non-ego, the ego is at once passive (affected by something other than itself) and active (it posits its own limitation).

This is possible only as it posits reality in itself only in part, and transfers to the non-ego so much as it does not posit in itself.

Here the ego becomes aware that in positing itself as determined by the non-ego it has only limited itself, and therefore is itself the ground of the whole content of consciousness; here it apprehends itself as determining the non-ego or as acting, and recognizes as its chief mission to impress the form of the ego as far as possible on the non-ego, and ever to extend the boundary further.

It is rather true that with them both nature and spirit are alike the products of a third and higher term, which seeks to become spirit, and can accomplish this only by positing nature.

The transcendental philosopher has need of intellectual intuition in order to recognize the original object-positing actions of the ego, which remain concealed from common consciousness, sunk in the outcome of these acts.

Supported by the motley manifoldness of phenomena, we posit real beings as qualitatively different, and view this diversity as partial contraposition; we resolve, e.g., the simple quality a into the elements x + z, and a second quality b into

To mention only the most prominent, the following have all posited important and far-reaching problems for philosophy as well as for science:

To the staff, it was pretty clear who Rajan's own sacred cows were, even if the editor posited himself as the paragon of a free press.

Them, in vulg. use as an adj., for those Thence, &c., with from prefixed, whether allowable There, introductory and idiomatic, notions of grammarians concerning; its posit.

To account for clairvoyant vision at a distance, it is of course necessary to posit some perceptive organ other than the eye, but the fact that in trance the eyes are closed, itself demands this assumption.

Whatever you posit appears thus as one-sided, and negates its other, which, being equally one-sided, negates it; and, since this situation remains unstable, the two contradictory terms have together, according to Hegel, to engender a higher truth of which they both appear as indispensable members, mutually mediating aspects of that higher concept of situation in thought.

What you posit as A must already have cancelled the alternative or made it innocuous, by having negated it in advance.

And here steps in the profound difference between Atheism and Pantheism; both posit an Existence at present inscrutable by human faculties, of which all phenomena are modes; but to the Atheist that Existence manifests as Force-Matter, unconscious, unintelligent, while to the Pantheist it manifests as Life-Matter, conscious, intelligent.

But it prevents us from positing the existence of such creedless races, in any age, as a demonstrated fact.

We only provisionally posit the possibility of an influence, in its nature unknown, of one mind on another at a distance, such influence translating itself into an hallucination.

52 examples of  positing  in sentences