787 examples of possessor in sentences

He was the possessor of two-thirds of Algeria, and he appeared before the world as the friend and ally of France.

The type of organ which would function normally, were not its possessor parasitic in that function, invariably degenerates or disappears.

Douglass was born the slave of one Captain Aaron Anthony, a man of some consequence in eastern Maryland, the manager or chief clerk of one Colonel Lloyd, the head for that generation of an old, exceedingly wealthy, and highly honored family in Maryland, the possessor of a stately mansion and one of the largest and most fertile plantations in the State.

I know personally of one case in which money to the extent of thirty or forty thousand dollars and a fine house, not backed up by a good reputation, after several years of repeated effort, failed to gain entry for the possessor.

We easily admire genius where the diffidence of the possessor makes our acknowledgment of merit seem like a sort of patronage, or act of condescension, as we willingly extend our good offices where they are not exacted as obligations, or repaid with sullen indifference.

It was a piece of parchment, and showed by its shrivelled and scorched appearance the agony which its late possessor must have endured, Leonard did not open it, but thrust it with a shudder into his doublet.

He is the proud possessor of a sweet-heart, a gamecock, a horse, a hammock, a guitar and a large supply of tobacco.

That in certain cases where acknowledgment was due it was not made, we may ascribe to opinion; or to defects which broke the complete rotundity of such a circle of endowments that without this breach they would have swollen their possessor to almost preterhuman proportions, empowering him to "bestride the narrow world like a Colossus.

As interesting as any of these relics was a large portfolio of old drawings, some of which, in the opinion of their possessor, bore evidence on their faces of the touch of master-hands. ...

It was the utterance of a sorrow which removed its possessor into some dark, lonely world girdled with iron walls, against which every throb of a helping or consoling heart would beat in vain for admittance.

The business was so peculiar, and connected with men so exalted in position, and conducted with such wonderful ability and tact, that now, years after, scarcely a day passes that my mind does not revert to those hours and do homage to those transcendent abilities by which it was conducted, till I sometimes think the possessor of them was an overmatch for Lucifer himself.

"I looked up, and saw, slowly walking on to the point at which Mary was securing her boat, the possessor of the existence that had come into mine.

In the course of their transmigrations, the elements of a worthless individual may get into far better company than they have before enjoyed,may enter into brains that immortalize their owner and redeem the errors of the old possessor.

Why? Because it is his rightbecause he has shown himself fit for itbecause a pretext or a shadow of a pretext can no longer be devised for withholding that right from its possessor.

There is no recounting the useful and pretty, if not costly, articles that Joe became possessor of.

Are learning, sensibility, and taste, no securities to exempt their possessor from this vulgar abuse?

It is not the possessor, but the victor, who then has the right.

The possessor would hardly part with them for any remuneration; they would never sell their handsomest beasts.

The novel found favour in the eyes of the author of The Lost Sir Massingberd, and Gissing for the first time in his life found himself the possessor of a full purse, with fifty 'jingling, tingling, golden, minted quid' in it.

That is, if it denotes possession, it stands for the name of the possessor, and is governed by the name of the thing possessed.

and do they not severally show by their forms the person, the number, and sometimes also the gender, of whomever or whatever they make to be the possessor?

For the possessive case before a real participle, denotes not the possessor of something, as in other instances, but the agent of the action, or the subject of the being or passion; and the simple question here is, whether this extraordinary use of the possessive case is, or is not, such an idiom of our language as ought to be justified.

Hence we find that the doer or the sufferer of the action is usually made its possessor, whenever the sense does not positively demand a different reading.

This is the true explanation of all the "double genitives" which our grammarians discover; for when the first noun is partitive, it naturally suggests more or other things of the same kind, belonging to this possessor; and when such is not the meaning, this construction is improper.

It will be observed that in all these examples the governing noun is singular; and, certainly, it must be so, if, with more than one possessive sign, we mean to represent each possessor as having or possessing but one object.

787 examples of  possessor  in sentences