223 examples of posthumous in sentences

To this consolatory assurance of posthumous retribution, and a resolute refusal of Dr Romanelli's prescriptions, I attributed my recovery.

" Very reverently the orphans opened the box which contained the posthumous gifts of their beloved father.

This was the last of his literary labours; nor do we hear of his writing any thing for the press in the meanwhile, except such slight compositions as a prologue for a comedy by Mr. Hugh Kelly, and a dedication to the King of the Posthumous Works of Pearce, Bishop of Rochester.

But Momoy had attended the wedding, so his posthumous emotion can be appreciated: he had been near the kiosk.

733. memory, posthumous fame, niche in the temple of fame; immortality, immortal name; magni nominis umbra

It is true that he may sometimes hear of his fame in the one case, but never in the other; but still, genuine and great merit may make up for this by confidently anticipating its posthumous fame.

Posthumous judges, be their decision favorable to the appellant or not, form the proper court for quashing the verdict of contemporaries.

Its contents are drawn entirely from his posthumous papers.

The favour with which the new edition of his posthumous papers has been received induces me, therefore, to resume a task which I thought, five years ago, that I had finally completed; and it is my intention to bring out one more volume, selected partly from these papers and partly from his Parerga.

We can trace it from a timorous and slavish regard for what other people will say, up to the feeling which made Virginius plunge the dagger into his daughter's heart, or induces many a man to sacrifice quiet, riches, health and even life itself, for posthumous glory.

So blameless was the conduct of Marcus Aurelius that neither the malignity of contemporaries nor the sprit of posthumous scandal has succeeded in discovering any flaw in the extreme integrity of his life and principles.

Nor was Marcus at all comforted under present annoyances by the thought of posthumous fame.

"Many who are now praising thee, will very soon blame thee, and neither a posthumous name is of any value, nor reputation, nor anything else."

Among the fraternity there was one destined to live in annals even with more posthumous notoriety than he of the same place and craft, who long got the credit of being the author of the "Land o' the Leal."

Mr. Godwin, during his lifetime, has secured to himself the triumphs and the mortifications of an extreme notoriety and of a sort of posthumous fame.

A selection from those formed the Posthumous Poems, first given to the world in the edition of 1834.

Parham Parish Register, The Parting Hour, The Patron, The Phillips (artist) "Phoebe Dawson" Pluralities Poacher, The (Scott) Poor, State relief of Pope Posthumous Poems Pretyman, Bishop Priest, Description of Parish Progress of Error (Cowper)

His theoretical works include, further, the two posthumous treatises, On the Conduct of the Understanding (originally intended for incorporation in the fourth edition of the Essay, which, however, appeared in 1700 without this chapter, which probably had proved too extended) and the Elements of Natural Philosophy.

Francis Hutcheson (died 1747), professor at Glasgow, in his posthumous System of Moral Philosophy, 1755, which had been preceded by an Inquiry concerning the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, 1725, pursues the double aim of showing against Hobbes and Locke the originality and disinterestedness both of benevolence and of moral approval.

It was universally known that a great poem of Wordsworth's was reserved for posthumous publication, and kept under lock and key meantime.

"Jefferson's Posthumous Works, vol. 1, p. 268.

"Jefferson's Posthumous Works, vol.

"Jefferson's Posthumous Works, vol. 1, p. 268.

The posthumous impression of Margaret Fuller Ossoli has been colored by some who sneer at her ways and pretensions, because there was probably something in her manner which displeased them in a personal way.

As for posthumous fame, it must be about as satisfactory as a draught of ice-water poured down the throat of a man who has died on Sahara.

223 examples of  posthumous  in sentences