402 examples of potentials in sentences

In this form the Martialists assert that they obtain without waste all the potential energy stored in ...

The vegetative apparatus in its virginity, say in the new-born infant, may be said to have its development primarily determined by the reaction potentials of the endocrine part of it, that is the latent power of each gland to secrete at a minimum or a maximum, and the balance between them.

If we are to look for unit factors at all in endocrine heredity, we must look more deeply into constitution, and measure the hormone potentials and their mobilization or suppression.

Every court is a potential conspiracy against freedom, and the League cannot tolerate merely court appointments.

So that he was only a potential defaulter, so to speak; and, discreditable as the affair undoubtedly was, it does not seem to have any direct bearing on this present case.

[Lat.]; potential energy, dynamic energy; dynamic friction, dynamic suction; live circuit, live rail, live wire.

Adj. powerful, puissant; potential; capable, able; equal to, up to; cogent, valid; efficient, productive; effective, effectual, efficacious, adequate, competent; multipotent^, plenipotent^, omnipotent; almighty. forcible &c adj.. (energetic) 171; influential &c 175; productive &c 168.

Whether this insolence rested upon law that gave it a sanction, or upon conscious power, haughtily dispensing with that sanction, equally it spoke from a potential station; and the agent in each particular insolence of the moment, was viewed reverentially, as one having authority.

Though one possible direction for the implementation of new media technology may be exhausted, its other myriad potentials beckon us once again.

Through her peculiar situation, threatened and overshadowed by potential enemies, France has been forced to a policy of militarism, with a large subordination of the individual to the state.

His play is like a badly-designed engine in which a large part of the potential energy is dissipated to no purpose.

For my own part I would spare no pains to improve our relations with native Governments, and more and more these relations may become of potential value to the Government of India.

And yet it is by such potentials that we judge the highest art; by its power to give us, if only for a moment, something of that which the divinity of our aspiring minds finds wanting in the confines of reality.

The expression was a strange one; for it showed doubt, fear, conditional hatred, and potential vengeancea complicated state of mind, which the cleverest judge of human faces could hardly have understood from Matilde's features.

Under these painful circumstances, and with the chance of still further abstractions from our common stock of potential learning, we have engaged a staff of consulting engineers, who contract, for certain considerations, to know every useless thing from A to Z, and every obsolete one from Omega to Alpha.

To perfect, is simply to make active a potential possession, to unfold capacities and to elevate the unconscious into consciousness.

All knowledge is inborn; all men are potential philosophers (and, so far as they are loyal to conscience, Christians); the spirit is a thinking and a thinkable universe.

" I felt the veriest scoundrel, and yet the words came out as smoothly as I have written them, as if to show me that I had been a potential scoundrel all my life.

Max Hempel never hoped much on general principles, so far as potential stars were concerned.

It took us but a very few minutes indeed to be ready for a concert, and from the time when we sighted a potential audience to the moment for the opening number was an almost incredibly brief period.

To these must be added a certain mental shapelessness which can expand or contract without reference to reason or record; a potential infinity of excuses.

"It always has some respect to the power of the agent; and is therefore properly stiled the potential mode."Ib., p. 29.

A verb is conjugated interrogatively, in the indicative and potential moods, by placing the nominative after it, or after the first auxiliary: as, FIRST PERSON SINGULAR.

A verb is conjugated interrogatively and negatively, in the indicative and potential moods, by placing the nominative and

Still, he had so much to give, it seemed that in the creative scheme of things there must be a woman to receive and ignite all these potentials of love....

402 examples of  potentials  in sentences