29 examples of poules in sentences

la maitre d'hôtel 240 Curried 237 Head and shoulders of 232 to carve p. 174 Pie 235-6 Preserving 233 Salt, (commonly called salt fish) 233 Sounds 233 en poule


'La belle Poule' is the pride of French frigates.

The names of Pantalon, L'Eté, La Poule, La Trenis, &c. which were given to the tunes, have been applied to the figures.

Qu'il prenne un fruit dans un jardin, ses vizirs voudront arracher l'arbre; qu'il se permette de prendre un oeuf sans payer, ses soldats tueront toutes les poules.

OEUF, m., corps organique à enveloppe dure, que pondent les femelles des oiseaux (la poule, par ex.).

POULE, f., femelle du coq.

POULET, m., petit d'une poule.

Trois poules pour un coq.

Trois poules pour un Coq. R61215.

TROIS POULES POUR UN COQ; vaudeville en 3 actes de Nicolas Nancey et Henry de Gorsse.

Trois poules pour un coq.

Trois poules pour un Coq. R61215.

TROIS POULES POUR UN COQ; vaudeville en 3 actes de Nicolas Nancey et Henry de Gorsse.


The frigate La Belle Poule, commanded by M. Chaudeau de la Clochetterie, was cruising in the Channel; she was surprised by the squadron of Admiral Keppel, issuing from Portsmouth; the Frenchman saw the danger in time, he crowded sail; but an English frigate, the Arethusa, had dashed forward in pursuit.

La Belle Poule delivered her whole broadside.

The ship that brought back Napoleon's remains was the Belle Poule (the beautiful hen!), which landed at Cherbourg, November 30, 1840.

Its clear surface was covered with loons, and Poules d'Eau, a species of rail; with which, at certain seasons, this region abounds.

The Indians tell us that it became so in the following manner: STORY OF THE LITTLE RAIL, OR Poule d'Eau There is supposed, by most of the Northwestern tribes, to exist an invisible being, corresponding to the "Genie" of Oriental story.

But now for the bat: "La chauve-souris est ici de la grosseur d'une poule.

(Ruspoli was called poule mouillée.)

Third FigureLa Poule.

Balancez quatre en ligne, four dancers set in a line, joining hands, as in La Poule.

Traversez deux, en dormant la main droite, lady and vis-à-vis gentleman cross, giving right hand, as in La Poule.

29 examples of  poules  in sentences