228 examples of poulticing in sentences

Constant poulticing both before and after the opening of the whitlow, is the only practice needed; but as the matter lies deep, when it is necessary to open the abscess, the incision must be made deep to reach the suppuration.

We refer to the after-effects of poulticing, the moving from pasture to stable, the emigration from a damp to a dry climate, or the alternate changes from damp to dry in a temperate region.

Should a crack be of old standing, and complicated by the presence of pus, a course of hot poulticing will often prove of benefit.

On discontinuing the poulticing, the strength of the antiseptic solutions may be decreased, the parts rested by correct shoeing, and a blister applied to the coronet as before.

With the decrease in pain the poulticing may be discontinued, and the horn over the seat of the injury dressed with some antiseptic and hardening solution.

Having given drainage to the lesion by the dependent orifice in the sole, poulticing should again be resorted to and maintained for at least three or four days.

The poulticing may then be discontinued, and the openings in the sole injected with a weak solution of Tuson's spts.

With many veterinary surgeons warm poulticing is still largely advocated and practised.

That poulticing cannot be successfully there applied is self-evident.

This gentleman had a large Clydesdale horse under his care for a bad sand-crack in front of the near hind-foot, and, as the lameness was extreme, he adopted his usual method of treatmentviz., rest, fomentations, poulticing, and the making of the V-shaped section through the wall, and subsequently the application of an appropriate bar shoe to the foot, and repeated blisters to the coronet.

Good results are then often arrived at by poulticing, afterwards followed up by suitable antiseptic dressings.

Poulticing is at this stage perhaps resorted to.

When prolonged poulticing or bathing cannot be practised, then the swelling should be stimulated with a sharp cantharides blister, repeated, if the case demands it, at intervals of a few days.

In those cases where the pus is not discovered at the sole, one adopts the expectant treatment of poulticing.

Instead, poulticing is at once resorted to, to induce the discharge of the pus through its original channel.

We are bound to admit, however, that the treatments of poulticing and blistering are only expectantwe might almost say empirical.

The poulticing should be continued, therefore, until the sloughing comes about, which happens, as a rule, at about the fifth or seventh day.

In this case we may at first try the ordinary treatments of poulticing; and blistering, of antiseptic caustic injections, and of plugging.

Should no improvement be noticed at the end of three weeks or a month, or should the grooves become filled from the bottom (which they do remarkably fast), then the incisions must be deepened, the exercise reduced, and the fomentations or poulticing repeated.

About January 10 she was lame, and as she had a cracked heel, was treated by poulticing for a day, and then by antiseptic lotions.

On this date the foot was pared out, and a large accumulation of pus discovered, Poulticing and antiseptic dressings were continued until August 16, when a movable piece of the os pedis was found at the toe.

Only too frequently the treatment practised is that of poulticing.

I thought at the time he had put it out; but, after poulticing and doctoring for some days, she recovered.

I thought at the time he had put it out; but, after poulticing and doctoring for some days, she recovered.

Let it be said, however, that as our journey advanced the hoof, at first so tender from much poulticing, became firmer and firmer, and instead of increasing, the lameness rather grew less.

228 examples of  poulticing  in sentences