5 examples of poultryman in sentences

" However, a poultryman was presently discovered who agreed simply for what advertising there was in it to furnish a crate of white roosters, a hatchet and a headsman's block, and to have them in the basement of the building promptly at ten o'clock.

However, an experienced poultryman offers the following reasons for packing with the larger end down: "The air-chamber is in the larger end, and if that is placed down, the yolk will not break through and touch the shell and thereby spoil.

The poultryman will think, to himself, "Now, I am going to get that black hen with the yellow legsthat fat, clumsy one," and he will move toward the flock slowly and with an air of unconcern.

Every poultryman will smile when this occurrence is mentioned to himhe knows by experience that hens have a way of sensing what he has in his mind regarding them.

But, nevertheless, she is very quick about sensing the poultryman's designs on her, though generally very stupid about planning out a skillful escape.

5 examples of  poultryman  in sentences