50 examples of prayin in sentences

Sometimes I think he's prayin', it's that lovely.

it's ruinin' your soul I am, puttin' you up to such wickedness, but I'll be prayin' for you as hard as I can.

It may be judged, however, that the reason he gives to himself for not slaying the king, was only an excuse, that his soul revolted from the idea of assassination, and was calmed in a measure by the doubt whether a man could thus prayin supposed privacy, we must rememberand be a murderer.

Da's a lot of folks what preach all day An' always pointing' out de way, Dey say dat prayin' all de time An' keepin' yo' heart all full of rhyme Will lead yo' soul to heights above Whah angels coo like a turtledove.

I believes in prayin', preachin' about, But believe a lot mo' in helpin' out.

"Kate," said old Joe in a tremulous voice, "if I was a prayin' man I'd git down on my knees an' thank God for deliverin' you tonight.

He was always a-prayin'.

I couldn't stand so much prayin' all the time.

"Get away in the boats, ye would, and come back some day for the gold and then cut it for London, prayin' yer way out of the country, and folks'd wonder what come of the Devil's Admiral and his crew when no more ships was lost the way we made 'em go.

" "What was she doing?" "Talkin', seh; jiss talkin' and prayin'.

he 'spected: he did n' b'lieve in dese yer readin' en prayin' niggers; it wuz all 'pocrisy, en sarve' Mars Dugal' right fer 'lowin' Dave ter be readin' books w'en it wuz 'g'in' de law.

"My mother used to tell me how they used to hide behind trees so the boss man couldn't see em when they was prayin' and at night put out the light and turn the pot down.

The folks ain't prayin' to God like they used to.

CONSTABLE An' right too, ma'am, for 'tis little time we have for prayin'.

Souf, An' fur dem I am a-prayin', 'Weh down Souf; An' when I gits sum munny, Yo' kin bet I'm goin', my hunny, Fur de lan' dat am so sunny, 'Weh down Souf.

Iffen he ketched us prayin' er singin' he whupped us.

I hate to hear her say dat, but from dat minute I started prayin' for freedom.

Now lookit here, Mike Clancy, I have had enough of this'pon me word, isn't it too bad for a poor girl to have to go beggin' an' prayin' a fellow this way!

"Look here," she said, as he put down the voucher; "there ain't goin' to be no more prayin', eh?" "Why, to be sure there is," he answered with a show of great cheerfulness; and reached for a chair.

There's times, when I hears a body prayin', that I wishes we was Papists again and worshipped images, that I might throw stones at 'em!

He betta be prayin' and mebbe H'll git in de fold at las'!

And while I was doin' it I was prayin' that my strength would come back to me before he come back to himselfand started!"

The deep, thick voice of Mac Strann broke in: "Start prayin', Haw-Haw, that the hoss don't kill Barry when he gets to him.

Start prayin' that Barry is left for me to finish.

" "I ain't a professional prayin' man," answered Haw-Haw defensively, "but I done my best.

50 examples of  prayin  in sentences