168 examples of pre-eminent in sentences

If in language and plan he be so excellent, it may be asked why should he not be honoured with that pre-eminent niche in the temple which so many in the world have by suffrage assigned to him?

Never was seen before such idolatry of genius, such unbounded admiration for eloquence; for he stood apart and different from all other lights,pre-eminent as a teacher of philosophy.

Out of 190 cases cited by Hall, a recent English publicist of pre-eminent merit

With permission of Messrs. LITTLE, BROWN, & CO., Publishers, Boston, Mass.] Pre-eminent among the poets of the modern world stands Goethe, chief of his own generation, challenging comparison with the greatest of all time.

There was not only no difference between them and the Protestants in their devotion for our country's freedom and independence, but they, according to the importance of their number, took in the struggle a very pre-eminent part.

The other mortification of the ministry to which allusion has been made fell upon it at home in the Parliamentary discussion of the Prime-minister's financial measures, on which his judgment was usually regarded as pre-eminent, and on which a large majority of the House was generally disposed implicitly to follow his guidance.

In his marriage, as in all else, Claudius had been pre-eminent in misfortune.

Washington, no doubt, was pre-eminent among his contemporaries in natural endowments.

But among all the free States, OHIO stands pre-eminent for the wickedness of her statutes against this class of our population.

If the whole story of Dr. Johnson's life were the story of his published books it would be very difficult to understand his pre-eminent and symbolic position in literary history.

There was not the slightest cessation to the sound, while out of doors the storm raged with violence, and in the midst of it the hideous neighing and stamping of the black horse were heard with pre-eminent loudness.

When one hears of a pre-eminent man in the English-speaking community, even though that pre-eminence may be in political or social science, one is struck by a sense of incongruity if he happens to be also in the Legislature.

The Turk is a soldier and farmer; the Greek is pre-eminent as a trader, and his ability secured him a disproportionate share of the trade of the empire.

If any uncritical reader should desire to see for himself wherein Charlotte and Emily Brontë differed; in what manner, with what incompatible qualities and to what an immeasurable degree the younger sister was pre-eminent, he cannot do better than study those parallel passages.

Among these Robertson is of course pre-eminent."

For example, one signal miracle, pre-eminent for its grandeur, crowned the evidence of the supernatural character and office of our Lordour Lord's ascensionHis going up with His body of flesh and bones into the sky in the presence of His disciples.

We may go further, and assert with confidence that Christ was believed by his followers really to work miracles, and that it was mainly on this account that they conceded to Him the pre-eminent dignity and authority which he claimed.

The hour of power: how a young pastor makes the spiritual pre-eminent in his church.

When M. de Polignac became President of the Council, the opposition of M. Perier assumed a more violent character, and he was pre-eminent among the 221 deputies who voted the address which led to the fatal ordonnances of July.

The character of Sir Matthew Hale as a judge was splendidly pre-eminent.

In the estimation of the Committee the year 1919 was not one of pre-eminent short stories.

Pre-eminent in beauty is the vale Where he was born and bred: the church-yard hangs Upon a slope above the village-school; 30

Consequently, in spite of the considerable following it enjoyed, this romantic-pastoral tradition lacked vitality, and failed as a rule to attract authors of more pre-eminent powers.

She saw before her, in imagination, a long train of captives whom she would enslave, still Lord Alphingham in all stood pre-eminent; and visions of varied nature, but all equally brilliant, floated before her eyes, as she prepared for the grand ball which, for the first time in her life, she was about to join.

Shakespeare is pre-eminent; Spencer is music.

168 examples of  pre-eminent  in sentences