8058 examples of preacher in sentences

And of the rest, one party sided with one preacher, or one teacher, and another with another; and each party looked down on the other, and judged them harshly, and said bitter things of them, till, as St. Paul says, they were all split up by heresies, that is, by divisions, party spirit, envying, and grudging in the very Church of God, and at the very Table of The Lord.

Then, without waiting for a reply, "It was that little preacher; I'll have an interview with him!"

The Little Preacher.

If he may retain his place among them as preacher or teacher, he is willing to forego his birthright of free explanation; he consents to be blind to the duty which attaches to every intelligent man of having some clear ideas, even though only provisional ones, upon the greatest subjects of human interest, and of deliberately preferring these, whatever they may be, to their opposites.

In England this was the time of Wilberforce, the antislavery agitator; of Whitefield, the eloquent revival preacher; of John and Charles Wesley, and of the Evangelical and Methodist movements which gave new life to the English Church.

He was a slow and serious person, a preacher as well as a poet, with a certain rigidity, not to say narrowness, of character.

These are the words in which he refers to the appearance of the dying preacher in the pulpit: Thou (like the dying Swan) didst lately sing Thy mournful dirge in audience of the King; When pale looks, and weak accents of thy breath Presented so to life that piece of death, That it was feared and prophesied by all Thou thither cam'st to preach thy funeral.

They reminded me of the way-back-hard-shell preacher whose hymn book had been stuffed with profane poems by some lewd fellows of the baser sort.

Taking off his spectacles, wiping them carefully, he put them on his nose again, gazed at the book in consternation: "Well," said he, "I never seed that hime in this yer hime-book before; but the Lord put it in, and we'll sing it whir or no," and proceeded: "'The preacher kissed the cobbler's wife, pop goes the weasel.'

The fame of the Preacher had preceded him, and he was greeted by immense congregations.

Brother Mills was an able preacher, but in his style of delivery was almost the reverse of his predecessor.

He was a sound theologian, an able Preacher and a wise and vigilant administrator.

Brother Leihy entered the Conference in 1843, and before coming to the District, had been stationed at Hazel Green, Elizabeth, Mineral Point, Platteville, Southport, and Beloit He was a man of marked ability both as a Preacher and administrator.

He came to Wisconsin as a Local Preacher, and joined the Conference in 1846.

But at the close of the services a veteran Local Preacher said, "The old Elder gave us a straight talk this morning."

Brother Lewis entered the Rock River Conference August 24th, 1842, and was sent as Junior Preacher to Indian Creek, Ill., a four weeks' circuit, the labor of which greatly taxed his strength.

His plan of labor gave to Oshkosh every fourth Sabbath, and the intervening time was filled by Rev. Clark Dickinson, a highly esteemed Local Preacher, and others.

Brother Lawton is a good preacher, has a genial spirit, and is devoted to his work.

From the first, Brother Requa attracted attention as a Preacher.

He is an able Preacher, has a reliable judgment, and possesses a kind spirit.

Dr. Cooke is a man of fine presence, and a good Preacher.

M. Steele, D.D., the President of the University at this present time, is a man of fine literary attainments, an able administrator, a superior preacher, and a writer of pronounced reputation.

Among these, Rev. L. Cheeseman, a Local Preacher, and E.T. Bond, Esq., a merchant, deserve special mention.

He was a good Preacher, and a superior Pastor.

James M., the elder, was the Recording Steward, ranking among the most efficient I have ever known, and John M., the younger, was a leading spirit in all Church work, becoming subsequently a Local Preacher of most excellent standing.

8058 examples of  preacher  in sentences