12 examples of predicables in sentences

And, with the advance of microscopic anatomy, the universality of the fact itself among animals has ceased to be predicable.

I rather designed to direct your attention to the inquiry whether these attributes are, in fact, rightly predicable of Butterflies.

It will have to grow naturally out of life itself and along lines at present hardly predicable.

Adj. asserting &c v.; declaratory, predicatory^, pronunciative^, affirmative, soi-disant [Fr.]; positive; certain &c 474; express, explicit &c (patent) 525; absolute, emphatic, flat, broad, round, pointed, marked, distinct, decided, confident, trenchant, dogmatic, definitive, formal, solemn, categorical, peremptory; unretracted^; predicable.

Whatever "unity" is predicable of either form of art is a wholly different thing from whatever "unity" is predicable of the other.

Whatever "unity" is predicable of either form of art is a wholly different thing from whatever "unity" is predicable of the other.

Under the present system, it needs no argument to show that the Non-slaveholding States, with a free population considerably more than double that of the Slave-holding States, and with much more generally distributed wealth and opportunities of spending, pay far more than the proportion predicable on mere preponderance in numbers of the expenses of a government supported mainly by a tariff on importations.

A duality, predicable of the two wholes, LM and MN, is forthwith predicated of one of their parts, M.] bell-stroke.'

It continues predicable as long as the terms continue.

Bare activity would thus be predicable, though there were no definite direction, no actor, and no aim.

Is any such unity predicable of their forms?

PREDICABLES, the five classes of terms which can be predicated of a subject, viz.

12 examples of  predicables  in sentences