404 examples of presentiment in sentences

It is curious that Swift, when the letter arrived with the news of Gay's death, was so impressed with a presentiment of some coming evil, that he allowed it to lie five days unopened on his table.

As he approaches the dragon's cave, he has a presentiment that death lurks within:

The splendid offer of the most magnificent Governorship in the world was accepted, but not without something of a vague presentiment that he should never return from it.

When I heard this I had a presentiment that he had better have remained away.

The intensity of the inner life, the unspeakable longing, the cry of the unsatisfied heart, the devout aspiration, the presentiment of the heavenly life which characterize Mignon are peculiar to her; they constitute her individuality.

I feel confident we shall have to fight the Russians on the Indus, and I have long had a presentiment that I should meet them there, and gain a great battle.

A terrible presentiment shot into her mind of some ill to Wilhelm.

A strange presentiment also seized her.

No medicines did Elspie good; mind and body alike reacted on each other; she failed hour by hour till the last; and when her time of trial came, the sad presentiment fulfilled itself, and she died in giving birth to her babe.

She had a strong presentiment that the appearance of her father at the front door would be the signal for her visitor's departure at the back.

It was at this moment of perplexity and weariness, on my return home, at the close of a day's work, that the thought struck me of consulting my wife, your present mother, and I had a presentiment that through her I should discover what I so long wished to know.

I always feel as if I had nothing to say, and the performance generally justifies the presentiment.

But suddenly an indefinable feeling of uneasiness came over me, which grew into a dreadful presentiment of disaster.

Gerard had evidently had some presentiment of his approaching end.

He had a presentiment that we should reach Brousa, although I expected nothing of the kind.

We reached the city before night, and François is glad to find his presentiment fulfilled.

I don't say that I shall never marry him; for I have hopedI have a presentiment that in some strange way I shall find out who I am, and who my parents were.

My presentiment has come true.

"] M. Paul did not speak or move; he was thinking bitterly of Alice's presentiment.

That night, either because of the wind or because I had taken too strong coffee, I fell into "the fidgets," as this state of mind is sometimes called, and selected for immediate cause of discomfort the Panther's presentiment about the red fox.

La Salle did not despair or abandon the enterprise; but when six of his most trusted men mutinied and deserted, he lost hope, and became seized with a presentiment that he would never return from his expedition.

He had not the slightest presentiment of his death.

A vague presentiment warned him that something very important in his life was going to be unrolled in that particular spot.

He had a presentiment that his life was going to date from this kiss, that with it was going to begin a new existence, that he never would be able to free himself from these deadly and caressing lips with their faint savor of cinnamon, of incense, of Asiatic forests haunted with sensuousness and intrigue.

Inexperienced vanity does not suspect that it indicates only lack of reason and sense, but regards it as a high-minded discontent with the universal ugliness of the world and of life, of which it really has not yet the slightest presentiment.

404 examples of  presentiment  in sentences