31 examples of pretest in sentences

"Never fret" and "toujours pret" were my mottoes, as I told the chaplain; I hope he remembers them to this day.

"See the pret-ty flowers," mouthed Swing Tunstall, after the fashion of a child wrestling with the First Reader.

Where is he go-ing with that well-stored wag-gon, which real-ly has no hor-ses to draw it, and yet it goes for-ward at a pret-ty pace?

The post-man has been, dear mam-ma, And has brought me a let-ter so fine; And Su-san has one, but it is not, by far, So pret-ty a let-ter as mine.

The trees are all leaf-less and brown; These two pret-ty rob-ins, Oh, where shall they go To shel-ter their lit-tle brown heads from the snow? Just look at the flakes com-ing down.

Pret-ty Dick, I won-der where You are gone!

No, I see Pret-ty Dick has flown a-way, And is sing-ing blithe and gay, Sit-ting yon-der on a spray Of the tree.

It is not I who preach fine sermons on Sunday about chastity and purity and morals, and who hide myself behind the shutters to watch half-naked tumblers dancing in the market-place, who entice little girls at night under some pretest or other, and who kiss them when the servant has turned her back.

Pret' soon I'll go h'out for trap now, Mademoiselle.

"O, that | I had | the art | of eas | -y writing What should | be eas | -y read | -ing | could | I scale Parnas | -sus, where | the Mus | -es sit | inditing Those pret | -ty

BULL., noticed Lay, pay, and say, how written in the pret.

("The characters MADE USE OF," MURR.,): not to be used for the pret., nor confounded with the pres.: what care necessary in the employment of; when to be distinguished from the preterits of their verbs.

and the pret. are alike not to be used in forming the comp.

Wis, verb, pret. wist, signif.

Dr. Webster: "pret.

" Lowth: "pret.

He was such a pret-ty lit-tle cat as to be made a great pet and used to trot a-bout af-ter the peo-ple like a lit-tle dog.

What a pretest this for harassing myself with fears that it will be so again!

Doubtless it would, if the child would be contented to wait; but when he has learned enough to ask the question, he is able to tell whether you speak the truth when you say you do not know, and he will not be satisfied by the flimsy pretest, "Oh, run away and don't bother me; I'm too busy.

oamaxque, o, pret.

am, you, axque, 2d pl. pret.

oanquique, 2d pl. pret.

Abbreviations: lit., literally; ref., reflexive; pret., preterit; rev., reverential; freq., frequentative; post., postposition; Span., a Spanish word.

PEHUA, v. Pret., opeuh, to begin, to commence.

The man, on the flimsiest pretest, has sent the woman home to clear his establishment for the new wife.

31 examples of  pretest  in sentences