41 examples of pretious in sentences

Drinke then thy fill: None of the Fathers that begot sweet Physick, That Divine Lady, comforter to man, Invented such a medicine as man's blood; A drinke so pretious should not be so spilt: Take mine, and Heaven pardon you the guilt.

Ah! why hath Nature to so hard a hart Given so goodly giftes of beauties grace, Whose pryde depraves each other better part, And all those pretious ornaments deface?

Fayre is my Love, when her fayre golden haires With the loose wynd ye waving chance to marke; Fayre, when the rose in her red cheekes appeares, Or in her eyes the fyre of love does sparke; Fayre, when her brest, lyke a rich laden barke, With pretious merchandize

Most pretious Alamode, Monsir Device!

But tyme is pretious now: although our Starres Have not been yet propitious to our meeting Ile try my art to night to make 'em shine.

I grow immortall with my hopes and fancie More than the worlds most pretious Empire in Our first embrace.

Love mee, and princes shall thy pages bee; Monarchs shall lay their crownes and royalties As presents at thy feet; the Indian mynes Shall be thy ioyntures; all the worldes rich marchants Shall bring their pearles and pretious stones to thee, Sweet gums and spices of Arabia, Fine Median linnen and Barbarian silkes; The earth shall beare no fruit of raritie But thou shalt taste it.

The men of the same countrey vse to haue their haire kempt, and trimmed like vnto our women: and they weare golden turbants vpon their heades richly set with pearle, and pretious stones.

From this lake the water runneth euen vnto the sea, and at a low ebbe the inhabitants dig rubies, diamonds, pearls, and other pretious stones out of the shore: wherupon it is thought, that the king of this island hath greater abundance of pretious stones, then any other monarch in the whole earth besides.

The friers in that place haue this speciall gift and prerogatiue: namely, that by the vertue of the name of Christ Iesu, and in the vertue of his pretious bloud, which he shedde vpon the crosse for the saluation of mankinde, they doe cast foorth deuils out of them that are possessed.

Cods pretious, two or three dayes?

That's pretious ware indeed.

Gods pretious, Ladie, know ye what you say, Respect you what I am, and what he is, What the whole world wood say, & what great Lords I have refused, and might as yet embrace, And speake you like a friend to wish me him? Hip.

Away, you pretious villaines!

Mar. Mistresse, Ile bring you from Arabia, Turckie, and India, where the Sunne doth rise, Miraculous Jemmes, rare stuffes of pretious worke, To beautifie you more then all the paintings Of women with their coullour-fading cheekes.

There shee lyves Lyke to a ritche and pretious Jewell lost, Fownd shyninge on a doonge-hill, yet the gemme No wyse disparadged of his former worthe Nor bated of his glory; out of this fyre Of lust and black temptation sheis [sic] returned Lyke gold repur'd and tryde. Treadway.

Oh, frend, I feare this false and perjur'd slave, That hathe not kept apointment, hath deceiv'd mee Boathe of my coyne and pretious marchandyse.

All's theire safe Unrifled, naye untutcht, save a small caskett With som few trifles of no valewe in't, Yet to mee pretious, synce by them I have fownd My one and only doughter.

oh sweete Vermilion mistris, tis pittie the Vermilion Wormes shoulde eate thee, ile set it with pretious stones and ye will.

And here I would say (could I do it without sadness), how pretious to my thoughts is the memory of your excellent Mother (that great example of prudence and charity), whose pious meditations were often advanc'd by hearing your voice.

My sorrow is so dear and pretious to me, That you must not partake it, suffer it Like wounds that do breed inward to dispatch me.

Ha! bless mine eyes; what pretious piece of nature To pose the world? Zab.

Then like blew Neptune courting of an Hand, Where all the perfumes and the pretious things That wait upon great Nature are laid up, Ide clip it in mine armes, and chastly kiss it, Dwell in your bosome like your dearest thoughts, And sigh and weepe.

[pretious] Merchant: What sport he will have!

In Act I., Scene 2, Gonzago says, speaking to Granuffo, "Now, sure, thou are a man Of a most learned scilence, and one whose words Have bin most pretious to me.

41 examples of  pretious  in sentences