30 examples of pretties in sentences

It was a tiny thing, designed to hold a child's play-pretties or a young girl's sewing, but shaped and fashioned after the manner of mountain baskets, and woven of stout white hickory withes shaved down to daintier size and pliancy by the old man's jack-knife.

There was more pretties in it than I could have looked at in a week.

She had now reached an age when she was beginning to do "pretties" with her lips as she talkedalmost at the age when I had first been enraptured by her mother, with the identical two braids, also the tassels dangling from her boot tops.

Let me intreat, Since we are come thus farre, as we do walke You would deuise some prettie pleasant talke; The aire is coole, the euening high and faire: Why should your cloudie lookes then shew dispaire?

I pray you, you prettie little fellow, whats your name? 3 Fay.

What seeke you, prettie mayde?

[Sings while they are getting ready] "Our maids last night, Our pretties last night, They brewed us a brew of the beer last night.

And there came to our maids, And there came to our pretties A guest, a guest whom they didn't invite.

Sometimes a fingers motion wounds their mindes: A jest, a jesture, or a prettie laugh: A voyce, a present; ah, things done ith nicke Wound deepe, and sure; and let flie your gold, And we shall nuptialls have, hold, belly, hold.

for sure I am it is a thing, It is a prick, it is a thing, it is a prettie, prettie thing; It is a fire, it is a cole, whose flame creeps in at every hoale;

for sure I am it is a thing, It is a prick, it is a thing, it is a prettie, prettie thing; It is a fire, it is a cole, whose flame creeps in at every hoale;

Why, prettie Ladye, you'le not leave the courte? Eld.

My father bid I should obey your will, And yeelde my selfe to your discretion: Besides my cozen gave me yesternight, A prettie nag to ride to Padua.

Why, wherefore think you so, my prettie Nephew? Per.

Prettie; a man's well advisd to offer good counsell, and be laught at for his labour: we shall shortly have no counsellors, but Physitians; I spend my breath to thee, and thou answerest me some half an houre after in a sem[i]breve, or like to a Sexton, with a Sobeit or Amen. Acu.

I remember him, yes faith, hee's prettie well set; hee ha's the right trick with the tongue in his kisse, and

W. Thats prettie in good truth; & must Diana, be naked?

that's prettie ifaith.

Ah, ha! was not that a prettie?"

"Pretties' of all!"

One time I had $10.00 saved up an' I bought lots o' pretties wid it.

A prettie Hall this, no Servant in't?

Lord how I lov'd this woman, how I worshipt this prettie calf with the white face here: as I live, you were the prettiest fool to play withall, the wittiest little varlet, it would talk: Lord how it talk't!

You have a delicate Gentlewoman to your Sister: Lord what a prettie furie she was in, when she perceived I was a man: but I thank God I satisfied her scruple, without the Parson o'th' town.

Try, and you shall find it a prettie thing.

30 examples of  pretties  in sentences