407 examples of prevention in sentences

For the management of children, we must refer our readers to the following chapters; and we need only say, in conclusion, that a good nurse should understand the symptoms of various ills incident to this period, as, in all cases, prevention is better than cure.

If the prevention of war depends upon the burning into the imagination of the electorates what the consequences of war are, a high intelligence quotient and revaluation of life will count for a good deal.

This increase in the number of capital punishments was attributed by Romilly in great part to Madan's Thoughts on Executive Justice; 'a small tract, in which, by a mistaken application of the maxim "that the certainty of punishment is more efficacious than its severity for the prevention of crimes," he absurdly insisted on the expediency of rigidly enforcing, in every instance, our penal code, sanguinary and barbarous as it was.

"Prevention is better than cureI would first implant such opinions as would lessen the danger of intercourse; and as for particular attentions from improper objects, it should be my care to prevent them, by prohibiting, or rather impeding, the intimacy which might give rise to them.

"Doctor," said Mrs. Wilson, impatient to proceed to the point, "you know my maxim, prevention is better than cure.

In the first chapters, devoted to the general management of the child in health, the author has endeavoured to teach the young mother, that the prevention of disease is her province, not its cure; that to this object all her best efforts must be directed; and, moreover, that to tamper with medicine, when disease has actually commenced, is to hazard the life of her offspring.

Croup - 286 Signs of its Approach - 286 Maternal Management - 289 Its prevention - 289 X. Water in the Head - 291 Its Prevention - 292 Maternal Management - 298 THE MATERNAL MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN.

But resistance is rare, for an escort of guards pours out from the doorways and calles, if a stiletto but gleam in the sunlight; and no secret agent may cope with Venice in promptness of self-defense and ingenuity of prevention.

Under the leadership of Sir Thomas Wyatt, an insurrection took place, having for its nominal object the prevention of Mary's marriage with Philip of Spain; but it was joined by all the forces opposed to the crown.

But as this work of torture is sometimes begun almost from the cradle, and as prevention is better than cure, the hope of preventing that for which no cure appears yet to have been found, leads me to make a few remarks on the subject.

Jan. 22.] and shame that the Scots yielded to these innovations; though they were attended with one redeeming benefit, the prevention of that anarchy and bloodshed which must have followed, had the Cavaliers and Covenanters, with forces nearly balanced, and passions equally excited, been left to wreck their vengeance on each other.

Everything depended on bringing new forces into the Italian field of war against Rome from Spain, Syracuse, or Macedonia; and for the attainment or for the prevention of this object wars were carried on in Spain, Sicily, and Greece.

But these supplementary explanations do not affect the theory of life on which this theory of morality is groundednamely, that pleasure, and freedom from pain, are the only things desirable as ends; and that all desirable things (which are as numerous in the utilitarian as in any other scheme) are desirable either for the pleasure inherent in themselves, or as means to the promotion of pleasure and the prevention of pain.

Now the contingency against which it is here sought to provide, and which I grant is a very reasonable one to anticipate, has nevertheless no real existence in practice; at least in such a degree as to render it necessary to have recourse to any particular expedient for its prevention.

The poverty that forced them to it was a calamity, and their service was either a means of relief, or a measure of prevention; not pursued as a permanent business, but resorted to on emergenciesa sort of episode in the main scope of their lives.

If panics could be clearly explained, some device might be hit upon, perhaps, for their prevention.

The state and the wholesalers alike were keenly interested in the prevention of tea smuggling, which was strictly prohibited.

570 Industrious of the needle and the chart, They run full sail to their Japonian mart; Prevention fear, and, prodigal of fame, Sell all of Christian, to the very name; Nor leave enough of that, to hide their naked shame.

This act is expressly intended for the better securing the liberty of the subject, and for prevention of imprisonment beyond the seas.

The same kind of bell is used on the shunting engines in goods yards, where roadways have to be crossed on which lurries and handtrucks circulate, and the results as far as prevention of accidents is concerned are stated to be very satisfactory.

Dr. Koch commenced by remarking that what was required for the prevention of cholera was a scientific basis.

The prevention and correction of reading difficulties.

Urban blight and slums; economic and legal factors in their origin, reclamation, and prevention.

"Prevention is always better than cure," and the operation of scaling often leaves the teeth weak and liable to decay.

The wise ruler does not aim at the punishment of offenders, but at the prevention of offences.

407 examples of  prevention  in sentences