7 examples of prideful in sentences

The three latter greeted her with a burst of prideful congratulation; the former, being merely a brother, was distinctly cross at having been kept waiting so long and did not hesitate to express his sentiments fully out loud.

Lucasta, prideful times they were When first it came to pass That on each shoulder I might bear A little star of brass.

One has known people who have owned to a sneaking liking and unwilling admiration for Lucifer, Son of the Morningpeople of the same sort as those who find it difficult wholly to revere the prideless Erect when comparing them with the prideful Fallenand, for the life of me, I cannot help a sneaking liking and unwilling admiration for Moussa Isa Somali, who fell through Pride.

To Moussa Isa, the dark and dingy cell with its bare stone walls, mud floor, grated aperture and iron door was a fine safe house; its iron bed-frame with cotton-rug-covered laths and stony pillow, a piece of wanton luxury; its shelf, stool and utensils, prideful wealth.

It might be his last hour on earth, but there rose up in him a prideful desire to show them whether he had ever been on a horse; he caught the saddle-horn with one hand and vaulted vaingloriously into the saddle without touching a toe to the stirrup.

" It was a prideful saying, and one informed with all ignorance and conceit.

In his other book Homme, and in his brochure le Jour du Seigneur, written in a biblical style, rugged and obscure, he sought to appear like a vengeful apostle, prideful and tormented with spleen, but showed himself a deacon touched with a mystic epilepsy, or like a talented Maistre, a surly and bitter sectarian.

7 examples of  prideful  in sentences