55 examples of printing-press in sentences

Franklin's prestige and the fact that he was to set up a 'free' printing-press in Montreal were to work wonders with the educated classes at once and with the uneducated masses later on.

Take, for example, the printing-press: No one can question the immense advantages which have flowed from the increased facility for transmitting ideas.

True it is that the printing-press has piled up great treasures of human knowledge which make this age the richest in accessible information.

These are for the most part lost; but there is one in existence, large and exceedingly fine, of St. Christopher, with two lines of inscription, dated 1423, believed to have been printed with the ordinary printing-press.

She had indeed, in her innocence, imagined that the basic fact of a newspaper enterprise would be a printing-press; but when Mr. Dayson, who had been on The Signal and on sundry country papers in Shropshire, assured her that the majority of weekly sheets were printed on jobbing presses in private hands, she corrected her foolish notion.

He had set up a printing-press many years previously at Strawberry, and on taking the young ladies to see it, he remembered the gallantry of his former days, and they found these stanzas in type: 'To Mary's lips has ancient Rome Her purest language taught;

Printing and the printing-press found in Cosimo an ardent patron.

Hence the proposition to build a locomotive or printing-press by methods employed in watch or sewing-machine manufacture is entirely ill-timed at least.

There was once a printing-press on the island, but one of the Governors shipped it off to St. Michael.

When he chose to "snake away" Erie from its friends, and make it tributary to New-York Central, the printing-press was at worka fact which he did not discover until he had paid out ten millions.

What yer doing in there, anyway, with that printing-press?

So he bought types and a printing-press, and printed his precious work, poor man: he and his man-servant did it all.

Our Anglo-Saxon ancestors, on their migration into Britain, retained their veneration for poetry and song, and minstrels continued in high repute, until their hold upon the people gradually yielded to the steady advance of civilization, the influence of the printing-press, and the consequent diffusion of knowledge.

As a logician he naturally liked to see his thoughts in print, for, just as the mathematical mind craves for a black-board and a piece of chalk, so the logical mind must have its paper and printing-press wherewith to set forth its deductions effectively.

No doubt if they had hunted him out for a victim of the political animosity which led to so many tragedies in the early days of our anti-slavery agitation, he would have stood up to the stake as gayly as one of the martyrs of old; but the man's nature was repugnant to discords, and shrank from combats ruder than those of the printing-press.

"I'm sending a small birthday token to the boysa little printing-press.

His son George, who succeeded him and ruled from 1490 till 1496, is famous as having set up the first Serbian printing-press there.

These modern inventions, this steam, and electric telegraph, and even the printing-press have but just skimmed the surface of village life.

But now, to-day, my darling has gone from me; he is jolting in some dusty van, or he is propelled through muddy streets in a red box on wheels; or perhaps he is already in the factory among the rattle of type and the throb of the printing-press.

To-day the steam printing-press throws out its sheets in clouds, and fills the world with books.

Nothing but a stroke of imbecility upon the race, nothing but the destruction of its libraries, nothing but the paralysis of the printing-press, and the annihilation of these means of intercommunication,nothing but some such arbitrary intervention could accomplish it.

Since the introduction of the printing-press books have been, beyond all other agencies, the educators of men.

APPLEGATH, AUGUSTUS, inventor of the vertical printing-press (1788-1871).

GUTENBURG, JOHANNES or HENNE, also called GENSFLEISCH, claimed by the Germans to have been the inventor of the art of printing with movable types, born at Mainz; for some time lived in Strasburg as a polisher of precious stones, mirrors, &c.; he set up his first printing-press at Mainz about 1450 (1400-1468).

To their labours, the world owes the recovery of the classic literature of Greece and Rome from oblivion, while the invention and rapid adoption of the printing-press rendered these precious texts forever indestructible and accessible.

55 examples of  printing-press  in sentences