6166 examples of prisons in sentences

He procured lettres de cachet from the King, and shut up his disobedient and debauched son in various state-prisons.

The crowds broke open the prisons, and released many who had been summarily confined.

The prisons were filled with political prisoners; and these prisons were filthy, without ventilation, so noisome and pestilential that even physicians dared not enter them; while the wretched prisoners, mostly men of culture, chained to the most abandoned and desperate murderers and thieves, dragged out their weary lives without trial and without hope.

The prisons were filled with political prisoners; and these prisons were filthy, without ventilation, so noisome and pestilential that even physicians dared not enter them; while the wretched prisoners, mostly men of culture, chained to the most abandoned and desperate murderers and thieves, dragged out their weary lives without trial and without hope.

There was one cry, one watchword common to all,Personal liberty!freedom to act and speak without the fear of inquisitions, spies, informers, prisons, and exile.

When the prisons of Austria are filled with patriots, is that peace?

But even as these lines are written the jails and prisons of America are filled to overflowing with men and women whose only crime is loyalty to the working class.

The state board of charities and corrections, whose duty it is "to investigate the whole system of public charities and correctional institutions of the state, and examine into the condition and management thereof, especially of prisons, jails, infirmaries, public hospitals, and asylums.

Locate the state university, the state normal schools, all of the schools for the unfortunate, the lunatic asylums, the state prisons.

|10 days |Required by law |Idiots insane convicts | |21 | |Required by constitution |Idiots insane criminals | |22 | |Required by constitution |Inmates of asylums, | | | | in cities only | poorhouses, and prisons, | | |

| | almshouses prisons, US | | |

A sour father may reform prisons, but considered in his sourness he does harm.

Every Filipino has an innate inclination to abandon the hamlets and retire into the solitude of the woods, or live isolated in the midst of his own fields; and it is only the village prisons and the prieststhe salaries of the latter are proportionate to the number of their parishionersthat prevent him from gradually turning the pueblos into visitas, and the latter into ranchos.

There are ruins of curious gabled buildings, storehouses, "prisons," or "monasteries," perched here and there on well-nigh inaccessible crags above the village.

FOOTNOTES: [Footnote 107: Ferré, the friend of Raoul Bigault, and his colleague in the Commission of General Safety, like the latter, had inhabited the prisons for a considerable time for his political writings, seditious proposals, plots against the state, etc.

[Footnote 109: The incendiaries formed a veritable army, composed of returned convicts, the very dregs of the prisons, pale, thin lads, who looked like ghosts, and old women, that looked like horrible witches; their number amounted to eight thousand!

There were many underground prisons there, and it was in one of these that Peter and John were confined a whole night, when they had cured the lame man in the Temple after Pentecost.

Bealeah, a place of considerable importance, noted for the number of its prisons.

He remained insensible to the melody of purely feminine lines; and the only reason why his transcripts from the female form are not gross like those of Flemish painters, repulsive like Rembrandt's, fleshly like Rubens's, disagreeable like the drawings made by criminals in prisons, is that they have little womanly about them.

A tenant of one of our state prisons is under a sentence of "hard labor for life."

While manWhy should I talk of what man is, of how far man is fallen from what God the Father meant him to be, while one hundred thousand corpses of brave men are now fattening the plains of Italy for next year's crop; while even in our favoured land, we find at every turn prisons and reformatories, lunatic asylums, hospitals for numberless kinds of horrible diseases; sickness, weakness, and death all round us?

I was allowed to obtain copies for use in my inquiries by the kind permission of Sir Edmund Du Cane, H.M. Director of Prisons.

4."Some of the prepositions," says L. Murray, "have the appearance and effect of conjunctions: as, 'After their prisons were thrown open,' &c. '

[the time when] their prisons,' &c."Octavo Gram., p. 119.

"Delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons.

6166 examples of  prisons  in sentences