8773 examples of problem in sentences

If the second copy is also defective, you may demand a refund in writing without further opportunities to fix the problem.

If the second copy is also defective, you may demand a refund in writing without further opportunities to fix the problem.

How he differed so widely from such elegant models, is a problem not to be solved, unless it be true, that he took an early tincture from the writers of the last century, particularly sir Thomas Browne.

Cunningham said that the only solution of the problem of the footprints that he could think of was that the tracks were those of a return party who had been looking for new country, and that their horses, having lost their shoes and becoming footsore, they had wrapped their feet in bandages.

Eleven legal minds bent nobly to the problem whether the law and justice of England could compel a free man to take his collar off if he refused to take his collar off.

The Logia hypothesis seems to suggest precisely such an intermediate relation as will satisfy both sides of the problem.

The problem in regard to St. Mark and the triple synopsis is considerably simpler.

[Endnote 204:1] Of the various chapters in the controversy with which we are dealing, that which relates to the heretic Marcion is one of the most interesting and important; important, because of the comparative fixity of the data on which the question turns; interesting, because of the peculiar nature of the problem to be dealt with.

If the second copy is also defective, you may demand a refund in writing without further opportunities to fix the problem.

He felt that under the circle of baldness on top of that carefully brushed head lay the solution of every monetary problem that could beset the soul of man.

He said to himself that perhaps she was right ... that perhaps there was something he ought to do ... that his mother was old, and didn't always see things; and for a while his mind revolved this problem with feverish intensity....

Hence, to read history aright, we must read human nature as well; we must bring the light of philosophy and of faith, the calmness of judgment and the insight of love, to the record; collateral revelations drawn from our own experience, modified acceptance of both statement and inference, superiority to the blandishments of style, are as needful for the right interpretation of a chronicle as of a scientific problem.

Why Sarah Redmond and the other children of a family paying tax to support the schools of Boston should be turned away from a public school simply because they were persons of color was a problem too difficult for a fair-minded man.

The problem of educating the Negroes at public expense was perplexing also to the minds of the people of the West.

In Indiana the problem of educating Negroes was more difficult.

In other States of the West and the North where few colored people were found, the solution of the problem was easier.

They were like men, long tried in friendship and working together on a great problem full of significance to both.


Here, however, a rich field still lies open before philosophyonly let her attack her problem with observation and experiment rather than with words.

Behind every social problem stands the greater problem of the individual, the redemption of character.

Solutions of problem notes for use with Scott and Jaeger's Cases on international law.

No practical problem in the field of economics can be solved as if it were solely and purely an economic problem.

It is always in some measure also a political, moral, and social problem.

Accordingly, in the following pages, the author has endeavored primarily to develop the economic aspects of each problem, and has repeatedly given warning when the discussion or the conclusions began to transcend strict economic limits.

#Average wealth and the problem of distribution#.

8773 examples of  problem  in sentences