2893 examples of processions in sentences

At night the various companies were sent into the city to take part in the political propaganda; to march in processions or occupy conspicuous places at the party meetings.

Alexander, notwithstanding, was resolute, and so it came to pass that on the same day two mighty processions encountered within the walls of Rome.

Lent passed with its Holy Week, its array of processions and pompous displays, without other novelty than a mysterious mutiny among the artillerymen, the cause of which was never disclosed.

His only service was to be led in processions of ceremony, draped in mourning.

It may have been the custom for all the peasants in Hälsingland to send their cattle into the forests on the same dayor perhaps it only happened so that year; at any rate the boy saw how processions of happy people and cattle wandered out from every valley and every farm and rushed into the lonely forest, filling it with life.

Many of the processions had long and difficult roads to travel; and the boy saw how they tramped through marshes, how they had to take roundabout ways to get past windfalls, and how, time and again, the carts bumped against stones and turned over with all their contents.

Processions of Trades.

Till a late hour of the night this town was very lively: processions of men and a number of women and children followed the noise of the tam-tam, which they accompanied with a wild, howling song, and proceeded to some tree, under which an image of an idol was set up.

Novels present the anomaly of being fiction, but not poetry,of being fruits of imagination, but of imagination improvising its creations from local and temporal things, instead of speaking from a sublime stand-point and linking series of facts with processions of ideas.

It may perhaps be paralleled with the love of the Roman for processions, e.g. the lustrations of farm, city, and army, and with his instinctive desire for aid and counsel in all important matters both of public and private life, shown in the consilium of the paterfamilias and of the magistrate.

All such shows and processions were dear to the Roman people, and this seems to have become a permanent feature of the Ludi Romani, whether or no an actual triumph was to be celebrated, and also of some other ludi, e.g. the Apollinares and the Megalenses.

All these immortal tragedies and comedies thus passed before the mind like processions of masks.

Hymns and anthems were sung, and processions were made by the priests and people in honour of the sacrifice.

The poor devils of monks did not know to what saint to pray in their extremity, and they made processions and said litanies against their foes.

Rome itself was a huge cloister in which the only animation was in the processions of priests and students of the theological seminaries, or the more melancholy funerals in which the hooded and gowned friars added gloom to the mystery of our common lot,no industry except those of jewelry and art and that of ecclesiastical apparatus.

You know how flags are hung out on grand days, and carried in triumphal processions.

It decided that the English play was to be an action, and not a dialogue, bringing boldly upon the mimic scene feasts, dances, processions, hangings, riots, plays within plays, drunken revels, beatings, battle, murder, and sudden death.

Hence solemn feasts, processions, and battles by sea and land, filled the theatre.

The plan was adopted by acclamation, and the example, thus set, extended from city to city, until it had spread throughout Italy, and the whole country was filled with the processions, games, shows, and celebrations, which were instituted every where in honor of the event.

Statues representing his person were placed in the public edifices, and borne in processions like those of the gods.

He could get up late in the morning; he could go to the cafés; as a rich devotee he could figure in all the religious processions of the Grau and of the Cabanal; he could have a place of honor in the holy processions....

He could get up late in the morning; he could go to the cafés; as a rich devotee he could figure in all the religious processions of the Grau and of the Cabanal; he could have a place of honor in the holy processions....

At nights, when I lay awake in bed, vast processions passed along in mournful pomp; friezes of never-ending stories, that to my feelings were as sad and solemn as if they were stories drawn from times before Aedipus or Priam, before Tyre, before Memphis.

Bravely, great State's Chancellor of the Wolfmark, wouldst thou then lead the processions and preside at the diets of justiceas indeed thou dost mostly as it is.

I have heard them commend one of these images as superior to others, and have observed them to shew more devotion and respect to one than to another, as we do in our processions in time of need, and the people and their caciques boast among one another of having the best cemis.

2893 examples of  processions  in sentences