18 examples of professionalism in sentences

It is out of the kindness of your heartfor you have a soft old heart behind all that professionalism.

Diplomacy, it appears, is the only branch of British sport that has succeeded in escaping the taint of professionalism.

On the other hand, much good results from the presence in county cricket of a leavening of gentle; for they prevent the further development of professionalism.

In reviewing, as elsewhere, the growth of professionalism has tended to level the quality of work.

In any case, the child was saved from poverty or from the necessity of professionalism in later life, though he was a distinguished pianist.

Perhaps Mascarenhas would have thought differently had newspaper owners in Goa exhibited more commitment to professionalism.

The Konkani press in general abjured professionalism in order to cosy up with the political party in power.

The newspaper, which swayed Goan thinkers during the Opinion Poll, failed to instill a sense of professionalism.

Despite being labelled an outsider, the Marathi press in Goa owes its professionalism to Gadkari.

In Sunaparant During my tenure as editor of Sunaparant, between 1989 and 1995, I strived to inject some amount of professionalism in the newspaper.

Readers acutely felt the non-professionalism of the product during Bhembre's period.

Professionalism was never on their agenda.

Both the clubs and the Goa teams, won tournaments all over the country, with professionalism coming in.

Something of the world-habit was about her, or world-wear, a professionalism that work had taught her, and a bit of humor now and then.

Her trained fingers sought the skeleton wrist; she spoke slowly, distinctly, with careful clearness; and, under the cool professionalism of her words, there was a tone of marked respect.

In a measure this is doubtless as it should be, but like all professionalism it can go to abusive extremes.

Professor Paulsen has recently written some feeling lines about this over-professionalism, from the reign of which in Germany his own writings, which sin by being 'literary,' have suffered loss of credit.

The former worked with swift professionalism, forgetful of all else in his task, yet commenting audibly.

18 examples of  professionalism  in sentences