5 examples of profitableness in sentences

Supposed Profitableness of Lying.

A true soldier would require something more than the average treatise on Christian ethics to convince him that a lie to an enemy in war time is justifiable as a "lie of necessity," on the ground of its profitableness.

This led to some conversation about writing, its pecuniary profitableness, subjects for it, etc.

Every tariff revision, whether the rates go upward or downward, shifts somewhat the relative opportunities and profitableness of different industries.

This is not at all a necessary connection, for it would be possible to couple internal revenue taxes and customs duties in such a way that the rates would go up and down together and give the varying amounts of revenue required for the government without appreciably altering the relative profitableness of various private enterprises.

5 examples of  profitableness  in sentences