1438 examples of programming in sentences

They wanted to bounce signals from Mars to earth in order to relay Martian soap operas in exchange for some earth programming to Mars.

We don't call the stuff on television 'programming' for nothing.

The people making television are not programming our TV sets or their evening schedules; they are programming us.

The people making television are not programming our TV sets or their evening schedules; they are programming us.

Television programming communicates through stories and it influences us through its seemingly magical capabilities.

They were chagrined by the flow of viewers away from television programming, but they hoped this shift could be managed and ultimately exploited.

"I've had it with computer programming.

"I stopped computer programming, and I stopped being marriedagain.

On a Monday, two weeks after the trip to Kauai, he followed up an ad for a programming job at a downtown insurance company.

"I quit programming," Joe said.

Working?" "In between programming projects at the moment," Oliver said.

In the early days of programming, every detail had to be laid out on paper before you sat in front of a computer.

He might have hustled a programming project, but the thought of business meetings sent him across the bridge to Crescent Beach.

Teaching math and programming had kept him going, but he felt unused, wasted.

He needed to get a programming project, so that he wouldn't start spending the money.

Maybe you ought to forget programming and set up a cabinet shop.

It would be nice if that programming work came through.

Oliver concentrated on programming.

The best hope for fixing programming problems is to catch them when they happen, when there are clues to help in the search.

Those songs are different for all of us, but they share the trait of making the difference between a compelling service and, well, top-40 Clearchannel radio programming.

For example, when the VCR was invented, the courts affirmed a new copyright exemption for time-shifting; when the radio was invented, the Congress granted an anti-trust exemption to the record labels in order to secure a blanket license; when cable TV was invented, the government just ordered the broadcasters to sell the cable-operators access to programming at a fixed rate.

FEJFAR, JAMES LAWRENCE. Inductive programming, the exposition of a theoretical model and a description of the development and trial of an exemplar based on that model.

HUBBELL, RICHARD W. Television programming and production.

FEJFAR, JAMES LAWRENCE. Inductive programming, the exposition of a theoretical model and a description of the development and trial of an exemplar based on that model.

HUBBELL, RICHARD W. Television programming and production.

1438 examples of  programming  in sentences