25 examples of prohibitionists in sentences

All the koketting with the Democrats, Republicans, Prohibitionists, and Labor Reformers in the offis of the Woman's Journal, last summer, don't amount to shucks.

Now, we knew that Jasperson was the pink of sobriety, but one who appreciated an occasional glass of beer, or even a mild cocktail; and we had heard him more than once denounce the doctrines of the Prohibitionists; so we were quite convinced that meek submission to the dictates of the Grand Secretary of Corona Lodge was both unnecessary and inexpedient.

Indeed, Peter, thinking of that miracle at the wedding-feast, I wonder, sir, how the prohibitionists can defend their conduct even to their own consciences, because logically, sir, logically, the miracle of our gracious Lord completely cuts away the ground from beneath their feet!

"No wonder, when the Mikado sent a Japanese envoy to America to make a tentative examination of Christianity as a proper creed for the state religion of Japanno wonder, with this miracle flouted by the prohibitionists, the embassy carried back the report that Americans really have no faith in the religion they profess.

water-drinker; hydropot^; prohibitionist; teetotaler, teetotalist; abstainer, Good Templar, band of hope.

" "That sour-faced prohibitionist?" growled Mr. Hines, employing what I suspect to be the blackest anathema in his lexicon.

but he restrained his indignation and said, "No, Frank, I cannot accept your offer; I am a temperance man and a prohibitionist, and I would rather have my hands clean than to have them foul.

In that year, the Grand Lodges of Good Templars held a convention at Oswego, N.Y., and by these men a call was issued for a national convention of prohibitionists to form a political party.

The Prohibitionists put up John P. St. John and William Daniel.

[Illustration: Benjamin Harrison] The Prohibitionists, the Union Labor party, and the United Labor party also placed candidates in the field.

The Prohibitionists nominated John Bidwell and J. B. Cranfill, and declared "anew for the entire suppression of the manufacture, sale, importation, exportation, and transportation of alcoholic liquors as a beverage.

Meanwhile, the Prohibitionists, the National party (declaring for woman suffrage, prohibition, government ownership of railroads and telegraphs, an income tax, and the election of the President, Vice President, and senators by direct vote of the people), the Socialist Labor party, the Silver party, and the Populists, had all put candidates in the field.

The military authoritiesfor the city was under martial lawscrewed down the lid so tight that even the most rabid prohibitionists and social reformers murmured.

"Never a drop; Dixon's a Prohibitionist, dyed in the wool.

They did not seem to exist, he points out, even in politics until prohibitionist fury threatened their beer.

[Cries of 'Amen.'] Put to rout the miserable hypocrites who parade as thy servants under the guise of Prohibitionists.

* A missionary from the South writes: "In speaking on prohibition I call attention to the fact that wherever there is a missionary school a majority of the colored people are Prohibitionists, and in alluding to places where local option has failed to banish the saloons because, as is alleged, 'the negroes voted the wet ticket,' I add, 'To the white citizens who make this complaint I would say, Oh, that ye had been wise!

One pastor reported that his county went almost solidly against prohibition, and there was only one colored man in the county, so far as he knew, and he was a staunch prohibitionist.

He was, in fact, no prohibitionist, but he was a strong believer in temperance.

Statistics have been gathered in prison often by chaplains who, in the main, are prohibitionists and interested in sustaining an opinion.

Two clergymen, the Rev. Leonard Isitt and the Rev. Edward Walker, were respectively the voice and the hand of the Prohibitionists.

In Sir Robert Stout, the Brougham of New Zealand public life, the Prohibitionists had a spokesman of boundless energy and uncommon hitting power in debate.

Now, though it has failed to satisfy the more thorough-going Prohibitionists, it embraces a complete and elaborate system of local option.

In consequence the Prohibitionist vote nearly doubled.

The Prohibitionists are now disposed, it is believed, to make the fullest use in future of their right to vote for the reduction of the number of licensed houses.

25 examples of  prohibitionists  in sentences