2597 examples of prominent in sentences

The prominent peculiarity of this pump is its valve motion.

To ascertain, whether the face plate bears equally, smear it over with a little red ochre and oil, and move the face plate slightly, which will fix the color upon the prominent points.

If too small a quantity of coloring matter be used at first, it will be difficult to form a just conception of the general state of the surface, as the prominent points will alone be indicated, whereas the use of a large quantity of coloring matter in the latter stages would destroy the delicacy of the test the face plate affords.

The last named Negro Colonel is to-day a prominent figure.

"And while we are talking about servants," said Dora, whose ebullient mind now found a chance to bring in the subject which was most prominent within it, "I should think that the new people at Cobhurst would find it troublesome to get the right sort of service.

Three prominent ministers signed it for moral purposes alone.

The standing of young Henry, I remember, at his school, for scholarship, was then very noted, and his reputation in the village most prominent.

In 1828, the Navy Department offered him a prominent situation in the scientific corps of the United States Exploring Expedition to the South Seas.

The result was a general conflict, which, from its prominent Indian leader, has been called the Black Hawk war.

This splendid valley is one of the prominent creations of the universe.

On his return to Virginia, he became a prominent official.

[Footnote 8: A Congregational clergyman, prominent, in the early part of this century, for his zeal and piety, and for the eloquence and originality of his sermons: father of a numerous family distinguished in theology and literature.

The list of important buildings in Newcastle, exclusive of the churches, is a long one; one of the most prominent is the Library of the Literary and Philosophical Society, familiarly known as the "Lit. and Phil.," which stands at the lower end of Westgate Road, a little way back from the roadway.

In this undertaking he was backed by the wealth of several prominent Newcastle citizens, who believed in the future of the new inventionsMessrs.

The barony either gave its name to, or took its name from, a well-known Northumbrian family, of which one of the most prominent members was that Sir John de Coupland who succeeded in capturing David of Scotland at the battle of Neville's Crossnot, however, before he had lost some of his teeth by a blow from the mailed fist of that doughty monarch!

There are two legends somewhat similar to each other which are told of a company held in the spell of a magic sleep, to be awakened by certain devices, in which the blowing of a horn and the drawing of a sword are prominent.

Some names in the list of prominent Unitarians are celebrated in this connectionLouis Agassiz (1807-73), for example, on the American side, Sir Charles Lyell (1797-1875) and Dr. W.B. Carpenter (1813-85) on the English side.

The moist corn is that in which a great amount of inflammatory exudate is the most prominent symptom.

" Such is Mr. Haydon's "Explanation" of his own Picture; and it only remains for us to give the reader some idea of its most prominent beauties.

A noble devotion to and faith in the regeneration of Italy was a prominent feature in Mrs. Browning's life.

His small index finger pointed to the most prominent figure in the painting.

Some of the best work of George Eliot, Reade, and Trollope was yet to make its appearance; Meredith and Hardy were still the treasured possession of the few; the reigning models during the period of Gissing's adolescence were probably Dickens and Trollope, and the numerous satellites of these great stars, prominent among them Wilkie Collins, William Black, and Besant and Rice.

Of these Caesar slew the most prominent and sold the rest.

This Chapel occupies a prominent position on a road lately formed through the village, having its western front towards Bushy Park and the road leading to Hampton Court.

A haze of real feminine softness, like the autumn's purpling of rocks, made her bones less prominent.

2597 examples of  prominent  in sentences