7795 examples of proof in sentences

Here also had the gastaldo received, from those same patrician hands, the unfurled banner of the Nicolotti, with the sacramental words: "We consign to you the standard of San Nicolò, in the name of the Most Serene Prince and as proof that you are the chief gastaldo and head of the people of San Nicolò and San Raffaele.

"I shall not be condemned without proof!"

" "For the honor of the Servi, let the matter be dispatched, and let proof be brought," the Superior demanded, surprised and displeased at any softness in Fra Paolo, whose dominant note was justice, rather than mercy.

This powder hath a marvelous power to still the blood which floweth over-swiftly" "We have proof more than sufficient for the arrest, your Excellency," interposed the officer of the guards, as he gave the signal.

Girolamo never seemed to remember that this son-in-law was a great man among the people; to him he was only Piero Salin, barcariol; the single token of the old man's favor was that in his thought he no longer added the despicable word toso; and it was a proof that he was mellowing with the years, for Girolamo never forgot this unwelcome

"This at thy discretionthou understandest, Antonioand so that no violence come from the massing of the people, but only the proof of its will and of the numbers who make the demand.

When, in proof of their appreciation, they doubled his salary and would have trebled it again"Nay," said he, "it is but my duty that I have done.

An honest poor man is the proof of misery, where patience is put to the trial of her strength to endure grief without passion, in starving with concealed necessity, or standing in the adventures of charity.

My faith; a preliminary proof of the proposed catechism explanation.

<pb id='495.png' /> WIGMORE, GEORGE T. The science of judicial proof as given by logic, psychology, and general experience and illustrated in judicial trials.

The science of judicial proof as given by logic, psychology, and general experience and illustrated in judicial trials.

The proof of the pudding.

Boot tough ain't bullet proof.

Love under cover: attitudes of love; private party proof sheet.

When the trial came on, he again urged the insufficiency of proof brought by the claimant.

One of the Virginians failed in proof as to the identity of the person he claimed.

A coating of tar laid with a trowel over the exposed parts of the body will be found the best protection, especially as the new Armour Company's patent hermetically sealed bear-proof visor will be found too hot for comfort in summer.

The stories of Savitri and of Damayanti, far from exemplifying Hindoo conjugal devotion, simply afford fresh proof of the hoggish selfishness of the male Hindoo.

Strange to say, the words "And Jacob served seven years for Rachel" have been accepted as proof of self-sacrifice by several writers, including Dr. Abel, who cites those words as indicating that the ancient Hebrews knew "the devotion of love, which gladly serves the beloved and shuns no toil in her behalf."

He admits, too, that Christianity refined the relations between the sexes; yet he thinks it "quite conceivable that a Greek heart should have felt as tenderly, as longingly as a Christian heart," and he refers to a number of romantic stories invented by the Greeks as proof that they knew love in our sense of the wordsuch stories as Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche, Homer's portrait of Penelope, Xenophon's tale of Panthea and Abradates.

However before any harm was done them Chandrai sprang up and called out to the headman: "You have proof that these girls are witches, but I will not let you beat them here.

His brother asked the reason for this foreboding but the younger man said that he would explain nothing and accuse no one until the events of the next day had shown whether he was speaking the truth; if a tiger really came to stalk him then that would be proof that he had had good reason for his apprehension; and he begged his brother not to speak a word about it to anyone and especially not to his wife.

I cannot tell you in the house;" so they went out together and then the younger told all that had happened and how his sister-in-law had ordered the Bonga to have him killed by a tiger; "I did not tell you before till my story had been put to the proof for fear that you would not believe me and would tell your wife; but now you know all.

" Tiffles did not understand how that was any proof of idiocy; but, to prevent the recurrence of any difficulty between his new assistant and the populace of small boys, he thought it best to take possession of the hall, and lock the door.

A strong smell of cigar smoke, as of one fumigating sullenly and furiously, was the unvarying proof of his presence in the house.

7795 examples of  proof  in sentences