56 examples of proportionally in sentences

It became necessary to reduce all the credits proportionally, as in the case of a bankruptcy.

In all the demands for compensation of the various States we have seen not so much a real and precise estimate of the damages as a kind of fixing of credit in the largest measure possible in order that in the successive reductions each State should still have proportionally an advantageous position.

Probably the news of Darius' flight had reached Mazæus, and had damped the ardor of the Persian right wing, while the tidings of their comrades' success must have proportionally encouraged the Macedonian forces under Parmenio.

It is expected, my lords, by those who purchase spirits from the distillers, that they should be of a certain degree of strength, which they call proof: if they are of a lower degree, their price is diminished; and if of a higher, it is raised proportionally; because if the spirits exceed the degree of strength required, they may be mixed with other liquors of little value, and still be sold to the drinker at the common price.

As the partial independence of the great vassals became consolidated, the monarchs were proportionally anxious to prevent its perpetuation in the same families.

Nothing was more common than the nautical loan, as it was calledthe modern "bottomry"by which the risk and gain of transmarine traffic were proportionally distributed among the owners of the vessel and cargo and all the capitalists advancing money for the voyage.

What Europeans yet appear unable to accomplish, the wild Igorots, who inhabit that trackless range of mountains, have carried on successfully for centuries, and to a proportionally larger extent; and this is the more remarkable as the metal in that district occurs only in the form of flints, which even in Europe can be made profitable only by particular management, and not without expense.

By increasing the number of the States the confidence of the State governments in their own security is increased and their jealousy of the National Government proportionally diminished.

When that system shall be completed the expense of construction will cease, and our expenditures be proportionally diminished.

As we find that vicious principles are strengthened by habit, and good principles proportionally weakened, so, on the contrary, immoral dispositions are weakened by the better feelings being brought into action.

The spread of the representative system destroys that singularity, and must (however little we may like it) proportionally enfeeble our preponderating influenceunless we measure our steps cautiously and accommodate our conduct to the times.

Scarce a general of those who had commanded divisions and brigades at the Alma now remained, and the regimental officers had suffered proportionally.

But Dr. Newman's mind was framed upon a wholly different idea, and the results were proportionally dissimilar.

The typical matron would assuredly never dream of playing a part in history; her influence was behind the scenes, and therefore proportionally powerful.

From the top of this table issued 4 iron branches, with glass bowls, like those of the first, second, and third pieces, though proportionally less.

Hector is rising rapidly in the army, and rises proportionally high in his uncle's favour.

We listen for the completion of Dryden's stanza, as for the explication of a difficult passage in music; and wild and lost as the sound appears, the ear is proportionally gratified by the unexpected ease with which harmony is extracted from discord and confusion.

His mother, too, grew daily a greater invalid, and, with increasing sufferings and infirmities, the natural captiousness of her temper proportionally exhibited itself.

What a stimulus to the little mind, to become not equal to the great, but proportionally Christianizedi.e.

Flinders volume 1 Introduction page 179.) All parts of the coast in this interval are proportionally in error as to latitude but tolerably well placed in reference to the coast.

But it will surely be granted to us, that, where they can be observed, without the sacrifice of great beauties, or incurring such absurdities as Dennis has justly charged upon Cato, the play will be proportionally more intelligible on the stage, and more pleasing in the closet.

The existing stock of precious metals, gold and silver, more than other products of mine and field, is at any time the accumulation of many years' production, and is changed very little, proportionally, by a large change of output in any year or short period.

If the output per hour is increased proportionally to the pay per hour, the existing wages equilibrium would not be disturbed.

Whence my father inferred, that the whole globe being small, the extent of that third part which remained to be discovered must necessarily be proportionally small likewise; and might therefore be sailed over in a short time.

Did a white man in the North and in the South have proportionally the same representation in the House?

56 examples of  proportionally  in sentences