165 examples of propos in sentences

In the third I had two articles, one on a minor subject, the other on the Reciprocity principle in commerce, à propos of a celebrated diplomatic correspondence between Canning and Gallatin.

Mr. Burnett, in his Report to the Board of Trade, on Strikes and Lock-outs in 1888, remarks à propos of the various modes of arbitration, that "these methods of arranging difficulties have only been made possible by organization of the forces on both sides, and have, as it were, been gradually evolved from the general progress of the combination movement.

A propos of birdsthe other day at a large dinner, being call'd upon for a toast, I gave, as the best toast I knew, "Wood-cock toast," which was drunk with 3 cheers.

A-propos of Mr. Frere: he came to me while at breakfast this morning, and between some stanzas which he was repeating to me of a truly original poem of his own, he said carelessly, "By the way, about half-an-hour ago I was so silly (taking an immense pinch of snuff and priming his nostrils with it) as to get married I "Perfectly true.

"If, sir, you were shut up in a castle and a new-born baby with you, what would you do?" is one of his questions to Johnson,à propos of nothing.

'I am willing to admit, my dear,' said Mr. Whiston one evening, à propos of nothing at all, 'that the falsehood in that young man's letter gave proof of a certain delicacy.' 'Thank you, father,' replied Rose, very quietly and simply.

I confess I cannot see why we should not suppose all of it to be invented, although it certainly is odd to relate anecdotes and impressions of Dr. Swift, à propos of nothing at all, unless they formed part of the author's experience.

By the way, to-morrow you must write me a letter to Monsieur de Villedeuil à propos of a Mr. Nesbit and his debtsan affair lately put into our care.

Mais après quelque temps: "À propos, mon ami, dit-il, nous allons passer le pont de la Somme, et l'on dit que cette rivière noie infailliblement les menteurs.

Propos d'un jour.

Avec un avant-propos de Lucien Descaves.

Propos d'economique, par Alain, pseud.

Propos d'economique.

Precedes d'un avant-propos par Pierre Bouchet-Dardenne.

Avant propos de Gustave Cohen.

*** À propos, a Woking butcher was fined last week for being thirty-two thousand coupons short.

Remembering a famous speech on the presumption of certain organs of the Press, the Commons were not surprised to learn from Mr. CHAMBERLAIN, à propos of the beer-tax, that he is not responsible for what may appear in The Times.

He says this à propos of the Hairless Paper-pad Holder, the bald idea of which was suggested in Mr. Punch's pages.

Adieu: I have already written enough to convince you I have neither acquired the Gallomania, nor forgotten my friends in England; and I conclude with a wish a propos to my subjectthat they may long enjoy the rational liberty they possess and so well deserve.

We were as conspicuously mal à propos as an outsider at a bank directors' meeting or in a football scrimmage.

Arms and the man, again! À propos, Lady Manoeuvrer told me yesterday she'd sent a thank-offering to one of the hospitals.

How weary I am of it, it never ceases, it is lugged in à tout propos, and the little lyrical phrase with which he winds up every paragraph, how boring it is.

À propos of this terrace, I merely give the proprietor of Frascati a hint,the one drawback to the comfort of dining or breakfasting in this upper terrace is the door which communicates with the lower terrace, and through which everyone is constantly passing.

A propos, il étoit très malade.

[150] HORS D'OEUVRE = Hors de propos.

165 examples of  propos  in sentences