42 examples of proposer in sentences

2. Letters concerning each candidate must be addressed to the Executive Committee by at least two members, other than the proposer and seconder.

That you must teach me: but let mee coniure you by the rights of our fellowship, by the consonancy of our youth, by the Obligation of our euer-preserued loue, and by what more deare, a better proposer could charge you withall; [Sidenote: can] be euen and direct with me, whether you were sent for or no. Rosin.

FAITH, on the other side, is the assent to any proposition, not thus made out by the deductions of reason, but upon the credit of the proposer, as coming from God, in some extraordinary way of communication.

That gentleman, however, declining the honour, and recommending that it should be conferred on the proposer of the scheme, he was consequently elected president.

The proposer or introducer of a system of organisation of training or of exercises is often, perhaps usually, capable of distinguishing between the true and the false, the real and the unreal.

To allow the primary assembly to decree the transference of public property without limit to its own pocket is not only wrong, but is the beginning of the end; it demoralizes the best-disposed citizens, and gives to the proposer a power incompatible with a free commonwealth.

But the moment that tenancy was added to ownership, and a line was drawn distinguishing electors from non-electors, not by the nature of their qualifications, but by the amount of their rent, detail was substituted for principle; and the proposer or maintainer of the rule that the qualification should be a yearly rental of £10 might be called on to explain why, if £10 were a more reasonable limit than £15, £8 were not fairer than £10.

The charm of the agrarian law, now that its proposer was removed, of itself entered their minds: and their desire of it was further kindled by the meanness of the senators, who, after the Volscians and Æquans had been completely defeated in that year, defrauded the soldiers of their share of the booty; whatever was taken from the enemy, was sold by the consul Fabius, and the proceeds lodged in the public treasury.

When they agreed with respect to the laws, and differed only in regard to the proposer, ambassadors were sent to Athens, Spurius Postumius Albus, Aulus Manlius, Publius Sulpicius Camerinus, who were ordered to copy out the celebrated laws of Solon, and to make themselves acquainted with the institutions, customs, and laws of the other states of Greece.

That the congress at Panama will accomplish all, or even any, of the transcendent benefits to the human race which warmed the conceptions of its first proposer it were perhaps indulging too sanguine a forecast of events to promise.

Boswell, however, was, as his proposer said, a thoroughly "clubable" man, and once a member, his good humour secured his popularity.

On the important evening Boswell dined at Beauclerk's with his proposer and some other members.


The "Catherine Wheel" long boasted a legend of a meeting of Royalists during the Commonwealth, at which, the toast of the King having been drunk, one of the company then proposed the health of the Devil, who promptly appeared and amid much smoke and blue fire flew away with his proposer out of the window.

In the following anecdote, substitute equivalents for expressions in italics: 161. LE RÉGULUS FRANÇAIS Tout le monde sait l'histoire de Régulus, ce Romain qui, pris par les Carthaginois, et envoyé à Rome, sur sa parole, pour proposer un échange de captifs, dissuada héroïquement le Sénat d'accepter les offres faites, et revint à Carthage l'attendaient d'horribles supplices.

TENIR DE, faire un rapport de. COMPTER, calculer; se proposer.

DEMANDER, prier, exiger, s'enquérir, faire une demande; proposer.

À TOUT , à chaque instant. PROPOSER, mettre en avant; offrir au choix; donner; demander.

The old nurse, the proposer of the successful scheme, was highly honoured, and became chief attendant in the seraglio, which office she holds to this day.

After that "the proposer is entitled (on payment of $5 each time) to private interviews with his fiancée to enable him by a closer inspection to judge better of her personal charms.

The Proposer had been relieved from a Malady in his Eyes by an Operation performed by Sir William Read, and being a Man of Condition, had taken a Resolution to maintain three poor blind Men during their Lives, in Gratitude for that great Blessing.

However, the Thought of the Proposer arose from a very good Motive, and the parcelling of our selves out, as called to particular Acts of Beneficence, would be a pretty Cement of Society and Virtue.

"If I am, in advance, asked to regard a proposed communication as confidential, I should understand, of course, that the proposer impliedly pledged that it should be of a character that a man of honor could listen to and entertain; of course, Mr. Greer, you can have no other to make to me, and you know I would not listen to any other.

the proposer taking the other contrary proposition: the contestants often left the decision in an envoi to one or more arbitrators by common consent.

Il est vrai, c'étoit de vous dont il m'entretenoit; il songeoit à vous proposer ce mariage.

42 examples of  proposer  in sentences