784 examples of propping in sentences

Propping the edge on my knee, I reached for the candle, and held it in the opening, moving it to right and left; but could see nothing.

"Wine, b-gosh!" muttered Charlie in drunken appreciation, propping himself against the wall again, and always slipping sideways.

so great a matter, and propping himself instead upon a weak elbow glanced about him expectantly.

A man was propping open the big wooden gates, and through them she saw the street, the sidewalk, and a carriage drawn up at the curb.

He was too hot and tired to run more, too tired even to keep his eyes open, and so, propping his back against the stem of the small bush, he closed his tired hot eyes.

Propping his foot against the wall to correct the foot-drop that division of the nerve of his leg had caused, he had passed many sleepless nights in his long and wearisome convalescence.

Propping himself upon his elbows, the man raised his face.

Bad cases require all your attention; they want much propping, and your only chance is that, if you cannot win, your opponent may lose.

Propping himself against the trees, he closed his eyes for a second, and before he could pry them open again, he, too, was fast asleep.

he asked her, after a long half-hour during which he had stood as still as stone, his arm along the pine mantelshelf, looking at her from the shelter of a propping hand.

It is hard to guess the age of some of the featureless houses propping each other's flanks in old Fez or old Salé, but people rich enough to rebuild have always done so, and the passion for building seems allied, in this country of inconsequences, to the supine indifference that lets existing constructions crumble back to clay.

On examination I found the pulse was 120, the respirations 100, and the thermometer 106° F. The poor brute could not move, the fore-legs were well out before, and the hind-legs thrown back behind; in fact, he was, as one might say, propping himself up with his four legs!

So for long hours sat Enid by her lord, There in the naked hall, propping his head, And chafing his pale hands, and calling to him.

Till at the last he waken'd from his swoon, And found his own dear bride propping his head, And chafing his faint hands, and calling to him; And felt the warm tears falling on his face; And said to his own heart, "She weeps for me:" And yet lay still, and feign'd himself as dead, That he might prove her to the uttermost, And say to his own heart, "She weeps for me.

If St. Paul's begins to totter it is no good propping it up with half a dozen walking-sticks, and small palliatives have no legitimate place at all in this discussion.

He did not see me in the tree, but his horse did, and propping, snorted wildly, and gave a backward run.

There was always a woman by the soldier's side, propping her chin in her hands and smiling into the depths of his eyes.

But when she entered she said that Mr. Gordon would soon arrive and that I must be prepared to see him, so she bathed my hands and face and gave me an egg-nog before propping me up against my pillows to receive my visitor.

Then there were the men: busy at this moment with hurling wooden balls along the alley, at the further end of which a hollow-eyed scraggy youth, in shirt and rough linen trousers, was employed in propping up again the fallen nine-pins.

Mr. Burton, still propping him up, trod a measure with fewer steps, and cast uneasy glances up the lonely road.

We kneaded dough on an oilcloth, or gum-blanket as the Yankee prisoners called it, and baked the dough by spreading it on barrel-heads and propping them before the fire.

" I did what he asked, and he took another chair himself and sat down opposite me, propping his elbow on the table and leaning across it, so that, the table being but narrow, his sharp eyes and questioning lips were closer to mine than I cared for.

Propping Keith's picture up in front of him against a pile of books, he leaned forward, gazing at it earnestly.

" These gleams Appeared but seldom; oftener was he seen Propping a pale and melancholy face 215 Upon the Mother's bosom; resting thus His head upon one breast, while from the other

" "You need not walk against me, Barbee; I am not a vine to need propping.

784 examples of  propping  in sentences