210 examples of proselyted in sentences

Linnaeus thereupon added that such another experiment would be sufficient to make a proselyte of him."

"I was really astonished," he said, "(1) at the schoolboy, wretched, allegoric machinery; (2) at the transmogrification of the fanatic virago into a modern novel-pawing proselyte of the "Age of Reason,"a Tom Paine in petticoats; (3) at the utter want of all rhythm in the verse, the monotony and dead plumb-down of the pauses, and the absence of all bone, muscle, and sinew in the single lines.

Down with the Pagodas; down with the idols,Ching-chong-fo and his foolish priesthood! Come out of Babylon, oh my friend, for her time is come, and the child that is native, and the Proselyte of her gates, shall kindle and smoke together!

But I fear that without some more effectual calling, the arguments he appears to have employed were not likely to have made Lord Byron a proselyte.

Montague, who had but recently become a proselyte to the royal cause, [Footnote 1: Clar. Hist.

All this is no better than infamous slander, unless the Barrister can prove that these depraved servants and thieves are Methodists, or have been wicked in proportion as they were proselyted to Methodism.

In the Targum of Jerusalem, "The souls proselyted in Haran."

Jerome, one of the most learned of the Christian fathers: "The persons whom they had proselyted."

In the Targum of Jerusalem, "The souls proselyted in Haran.

Jerome, one of the most learned of the Christian fathers, "The persons whom they had proselyted."

In the light of this fact, look at the relation sustained by a proselyted servant to his master.

In the Targum of Jerusalem, "The souls proselyted in Haran."

" Jerome, one of the most learned of the Christian fathers, "The persons whom they had proselyted."

[Footnote A: "For the purchased servant who is an Israelite, or proselyte, shall fare as his master.

In the Targum of Jerusalem, "The souls proselyted in Haran."

Jerome, one of the most learned of the Christian fathers: "The persons whom they had proselyted."

In the Targum of Jerusalem, "The souls proselyted in Haran.

Jerome, one of the most learned of the Christian fathers, "The persons whom they had proselyted."

In the light of this fact, look at the relation sustained by a proselyted servant to his master.

In the Targum of Jerusalem, "The souls proselyted in Haran."

" Jerome, one of the most learned of the Christian fathers, "The persons whom they had proselyted."

[Footnote A: "For the purchased servant who is an Israelite, or proselyte, shall fare as his master.

A portly prince, and goodly to the sight, He seem'd a son of Anak for his height: Like those whom stature did to crowns prefer: Black-brow'd, and bluff, like Homer's Jupiter: Broad-back'd, and brawny-built for love's delight; A prophet form'd to make a female proselyte.

* THE PROSELYTE MAKER "A little earth from out the Earth-and I The Earth will move:" so spake the Sage divine.

Mr. Thrasher endeavored to proselyte me, but he never conversed with her.

210 examples of  proselyted  in sentences