7791 examples of protect in sentences

The two Chinese were living in central China, and there they recruited, Li at his own expense and Tsêng out of the resources at his disposal as a provincial governor, a sort of militia, consisting of peasants out to protect their homes from destruction by the peasants of the T'ai P'ing.

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Among all the naval officers sent to the Indian seas at that time, Warren appears to have been the only one who really tried to protect the Company's interests.

The fine was devised as an educative reminder of the new obligation the laborers were under to protect one another, and to raise the standard of the industry upon which they must depend for a living, so fearful was the union that old conditions might creep insidiously back upon workers unaccustomed to independence.

Nor on the other hand is it of the least avail to protect the girl against the evils of the industrial system of which the whole family form a part.

Let us protect him, and rejoice that he has come among us."Arabian

When Polixenês ordered his son Florizel to abandon Perdita, Camillo persuaded the young lovers to seek refuge in Sicily, and induced Leontês, the king thereof, to protect them.

She considered the present as an insult offered when she had no one to protect her.

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This is supposed to protect the city on the south, as Castillo del Principe is supposed to defend it on the west.

It is an inland city, about twenty-five miles from the coast, but even that did not protect it from attack by the pirates.

During all these three days of murder and horror, Captain Jackson made no attempt to protect the settlers, but remained forted up at the cabin on Lost river.

Captain Ivan D. Applegate also exerted himself in saving the settlers, and did brave work, but there were women and children to protect and days elapsed before an effective force could be gathered to meet the Indians.

I told them that we had been ordered to the mouth of Lost River on Tule Lake to protect the Oregon settlers, and that the regulars were going also, but that Gen. Wheaton was going to leave a detail at the Fairchilds ranch and that if they did not feel safe with the Modocs they could move up there.

As Gen. Wheaton felt competent to protect the settlements, and as the term of enlistment of the volunteers had expired more than a month before, we proceeded to Linkville and from there to Jacksonville where the command of Capt. Kelley was disbanded, Applegate's company having been discharged at Linkville.

When the law fails to protect life and property, I have always observed that men find a way to protect them.

How is it that even without artificial heat the mere shelter of the glass will often protect plants from frost?

He is Sir Walter Resant's best supporter in his noble efforts to protect authors and to advance their interests.

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Yes, and men praise me, too, because I managed to accomplish all these things while I was hampered by having to look out for and protect a woman.

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Every one loved her, and I looked upon Elizabeth as mine, to protect, love, and cherish.

Agriculture became to me familiar enough to protect me from being cheated by any agents or bailiffs, and it strengthened my frame so that it could withstand the life

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The success of this freebooter shows that the Eastern emperors could no longer protect, or even assist, their islands.

7791 examples of  protect  in sentences