28 examples of protestingly in sentences

"Now, Linnet, you see it isn't a joke," began Marjorie, protestingly; "the word is made of all the first letters of the seven colors,just see!"

Sadie shrugged, protestingly, her slender shoulders.

Skinny Rawlins, at an increase of ten dollars a month on his wage, protestingly, was elected official love-maker to Carolyn June Dixon, Old Heck's niece, speeding unsuspectingly toward the Quarter Circle KT, and Old Heck and Parker between them were to divide the affections of Ophelia Cobb, widow and chaperon.

Beside him Mr. Edgerton was saying protestingly: "May I ask why you made those fool statements on the witness stand?" "Because I didn't want an innocent man convicted," returned Mr. Hepplewhite tartly.

The next we saw was a hen flying wildly, pursued by Autolycus, and in about half an hour it appeared on the table, its legsstill rather featherysticking protestingly from the dish.

It paused briefly before the railroad-station, neither discharging nor taking on a passenger, then clanged protestingly on its way.

" "Father, why do you tell me all this now?" cried Katherine protestingly.

" "Pete, I wasn't going to tell the story," his mother put in protestingly.

she cried protestingly.

To ride in that elevator is to know adventure, so painfully, so protestingly, with such creaks and jerks and lurchings does it pull itself from floor to floor, like an octogenarian who, grunting and groaning, hoists himself from his easy-chair by slow stages that wring a protest from ankle, knee, hip, back and shoulder.

I gave it to him along with a franc, which he protestingly accepted.

" "Why?" we asked protestingly.

Just think of that, my Christopher, and be thankful that you're just a dog to whom one rat tastes very like another!" Columbus sneezed protestingly.

then regretfully, tenderly, he undid the clips that fastened the canvas, unlooped the cords from his stone anchors, wiped his brushes, shut his paint-box and moved slowly up the hill toward the house, his mind protestingly adjusting itself to the situation.

"Anyway," said he, protestingly, "you say I should always learn something, and I learned about us coming up from the monkeys.

His feet dragged protestingly, but he forced them on.

" The young man, quietly ignoring the humor of the novelist's words, said protestingly, "But, surely, to portray human nature is legitimate art, Mr. Lagrange.

Twice through its length they had swept, when Anna, in altered dress, came swiftly down the stair with Constance protestingly at her side.

" "No, no, Sir Max," said Yolanda, protestingly, "you must not basely desert this lady-love whom you have never seen.

There can be no stain upon you, and even though your station be less than" "Hush, Max, hush," she cried, placing her hand protestingly against his breast.

" "Dragons!" cried Castleman, protestingly.

" "I pray your patience, my Lord Duke," said Hymbercourt, holding up his hand protestingly.

I think she's going to try and board us!" "You going to let her?" protestingly demanded Bohannan.

" "Hold on a minute, aren't you a trifle high on your estimate?" asked Stubb, the conservative, protestingly.

Lord Tancred said, protestingly.

28 examples of  protestingly  in sentences