7 examples of proude in sentences

Once moe the skie was blacke, the thounder rolde: Faste reyneynge oer the plaine a prieste was seen, Ne dighte full proude, ne buttoned up in golde; His cope and jape were graie, and eke were clene; A Limitoure he was of order seene, And from the pathwaie side then turnèd bee, Where the pore almer laie binethe the holmen tree, 'An almes, sir priest!'

I saw a Wasp, that fiercely him defide, And bad him battaile even to his iawes; Sore he him stong, that it the blood forth drawes, And his proude heart is fild with fretting ire: In vaine he threats his teeth, his tayle, his pawes, And from his bloodie eyes doth sparkle fire; That dead himselfe he wisheth for despight.

[Sidenote: proude mans] [Sidenote: 114] The pangs of dispriz'd Loue, the Lawes delay,

For thei ben not proude ne coveytous ne envyous ne wrathefulle ne glotouns ne leccherous; ne thei don to no man other wise than thei wolde that other men diden to hem: and in this poynt, thei fullefillen the 10 commandementes of God: and thei zive no charge of aveer ne of ricchesse: and thei lye not, ne thei swere

My servyce notwithstandinge, thys proude Jacke Abuses me in words I understand not; And therefore in playne tearmes if you keepe hym I am no longer for you.

I will growe proude.

The Iauars and inhabitants of Bantam, are proude and obstinate, with a very stately pace, they hold the law of Mahomet, which they haue not had aboue 35.

7 examples of  proude  in sentences