20 examples of proue in sentences

I hardyly saye, Ne proued I neuer her precios pere; So rounde, so reken in vche araye, So smal, so smothe her sydes were!

Yes, apt enough as wil the sequel proue; But so the streame of his affection lay As he did leane a quite contrary way, Disprouing still the choice his father made, And oftentimes the matter had delaid; Now giuing hope he would at length consent, And then again excusing his intent.

Adorned with the presence of my loue The woods, I feare, such secret power shal proue As they'll shut vp each path, hide euery way, Because they still would haue her go astray, And in that place would alwaies haue her seene Only because they would be euer greene, And keepe the wingged Quiristers still there To banish winter cleane out of the yeare.

Among the games my selfe put in a pledge, To trie my strength in throwing of the sledge; Which, poysing with my strained arme, I threw So farre that it beyond the other flew: My Hiacinth, delighting in the game, Desierd to proue his manhood in the same, And, catching ere the sledge lay still on ground, With violent force aloft it did rebound Against his head and battered out his braine;

[Footnote 10: 1st Q. Ofelia, receiue none of his letters, For louers lines are snares to intrap the heart; [Sidenote: 82] Refuse his tokens, both of them are keyes To vnlocke Chastitie vnto Desire; Come in Ofelia; such men often proue, Great in their wordes, but little in their loue.

I wold faine proue so.

Take these againe, for to the Noble minde Rich gifts wax poore, when giuers proue vnkinde.

For 'tis a question left vs yet to proue, Whether Loue lead Fortune, or else Fortune Loue.

In the midst of this mountain there is a most beautiful plain, wherin is a litle lake conteining great plenty of water, which water the inhabitants report to haue proceeded from the teares of Adam and Eue: howbeit I proued that to be false, because I saw the water flow in the lake.

If you suspect my love, grant me the fight; I dare in single combate any knight, Any adventurer, any pandorus hinde, To proue my faith of an unfained mind.

(From "England's Heroical Epistles.") Faire stood the wind for France, When we, our sayles advance, Nor now to proue our chance Longer will tarry; But putting to the mayne, At Kaux, the mouth of Sene, With all his martiall trayne, Landed King Harry. And taking many a fort, Furnished in warlike sort, Marcheth towards Agincourt, In happy houre.

La vie en forme de proue.

De la poupe a la proue.

La vie en forme de proue.

De la poupe a la proue.

Par moments, au zénith un nuage se troue, Un peu de jour lugubre en tombe, et, sur la proue, Une lueur, qui tremble au souffle de l'autan, Blême, éclaire à demi ce mot: LÉVIATHAN.

La terre a disparu dans le puits sidéral, Il entre au mystère nocturne, Au-dessus de la grêle et de l'ouragan fou, Laissant le globe en bas dans l'ombre, on ne sait , Sous le renversement de l'urne. Intrépide, il bondit sur les ondes du vent; Il se rue, aile ouverte et a proue en avant,

"About the buisnes of fliing the most part thought it was not legally proued.

Atwater had said that she thought she was a witch and that Hobbamocke was her husband, but could proue nothing, though she was told that she was beforehand warned to prepare her witnesses ready, wch she hath not done, if she haue any.

"Ensigne Bryan was told, he sees how the plantife hath proued his charge, to wch he might now answer; wherevpon he presented seuerall testimonies in wrighting vpon oath, taken before Mr. Wells and Mr. Ludlow.

20 examples of  proue  in sentences