122 examples of proved very in sentences

This would not prevent the canoes going with the decks on, but, as we had to land every mile or so, the rollers breaking on the generally flat beach proved very troublesome.

[-8-] There was not only this to trouble Caesar greatly but also the fact that in the disputes which had been inaugurated between the ex-soldiers and the senators as well as the rest of the multitude that possessed lands,and these proved very numerous because the contestants were struggling for the greatest interests,he could not attach himself to either side without danger.

The trial proved very satisfactory, and Patty declared that she must have inherited her own taste for dancing from her father.

The lane proved very rocky though, and they were obliged to jolt slowly over the big cobble stones.

The young lady proved very firm.

At first the separation proved very painful to her.

But as he was advanced to higher places of trust, so he became more entangled in the affairs of state, the consequence of which proved very prejudicial to him.

" Mihrbhan Shah proved very useful to us, I fancy he knew he would get small mercy if he fell into the hands of the opposition, and therefore did all he could to place our force between them and himself.

I suppose it was the mad doings of the Fifth Monarchy men, as folks called them, which stirred up such a persecuting spirit; so at least said the people of our village, who now began to come about us again, with some show of former kindness; but they proved very Job's comforters to us, by reason of the frightful stories they loved to retail.

At Leghorn I took a passage for Marseille in a xebeque, but after sailing for three days the weather proved very unfavourable, and I landed at Spezia and proceeded by Genoa and the Cornici Road to Marseille.

Fortunately, Mr. Wareham knows his way about, as the saying goes, and his cycling experience proved very useful.

The winter was hardly a cold one, but it proved very tempestuous, and Upper Norwood, standing high as it does, felt the full force of the gales.

The Signal Service has had its huge balloon, which was exhibited at the World's Fair, at the post, and its ascensions and the operations put in practice have proved very attractive and instructive.

" Mr. Murray nevertheless agreed to publish the "Life of Eldon" on commission, and it proved very successful, going through several editions.

Besides, they proved very useful in damping young men.

I was on the point many times of going to hear Mr. Lowell, who is one of the dissenting clergymen of Bristol, but, as the weather proved very unfavorable, uncommonly so every Sunday I was there, and I was at a great distance from his church, I was disappointed.

When I asked him, not long after, to tell me more of what he had learned at school, he said that his mother had forbidden him to do so any more, as her father had a slave, who was instructed in reading and writing, and on that account proved very troublesome.

and so it was proved very often to our friends.

This suggestion proved very acceptable to Washington, who was well aware of Hamilton's capacity.

And now being confirmed in this opinion that they were certainly betrayed, they immediately bound the two slaves which were left, causing two of the three men, whom they brought with the women, and who proved very faithful to lead them with their wives, and other conveniences, into their retired care in the wood, and there to bind the two fellows hand and foot till they had further orders.

They were for the most part rough, enterprising men; and while some of them behaved well, others proved very disorderly and gave much trouble to the French; so that both the Creoles and the Indians became exasperated with them and put them in serious jeopardy just before Clark undertook his expedition in the fall of 1786.

Although the journey up the Seine from Havre proved very delightful to me, I do not recommend it to others, especially those to whom time is of importance.

This accident would have proved very mortifying to a man less philosophical than Thomson; but he was of a temper never to be agitated; he then smiled at it, and frequently made his companions laugh at the relation.

Mam Tor, with its 1,710 feet, proved very impressive, 'a vast high mountain reaching to the very clouds.'

" The Wetheralls duly appeared, and proved very simple people.

122 examples of  proved very  in sentences