Do we say proved or proven

proved 9324 occurrences

Perhaps the recovery had not been as complete as they had hoped, for the news of the close date of her departure had proved to be a great strain for her.

With the rise of his power he became hard and cruel to the Jews in North-Arabia, and from Jews and Christians alike in Arabia he demanded submission to his authority, since it had proved impossible to make them recognize his divine mission.

Now they proved capable of uniting the Arabs commanded by Allah, a unity still many a time endangered during the first century by the old party spirit; and of devising a division of labour between the rulers and the conquered which made it possible for them to control the function of complicated machines of state without any technical knowledge.

I had sat on many courts-martial where cowardice was the only charge imputed; and in every case in which that charge was proved, sentence of death had been passed and carried out on a ground I could not refuse to consider sufficient:namely, that the infection of terror can best be repressed by an example inspiring deeper terror than that to which the prisoner has yielded.

Her face turned white as death, while she held up to my eyes the discoloured disc which proved the presence of the deadliest Martial poison.

The softness of heart you show in this trouble seems in some strange way associated with the strength of heart which you have proved in dangers, the least of which none of us would have encountered willingly, and which, forced on us, would have unnerved us all.

The Jereed, from the existence in it of a few antiquities, such as pieces of granite and marble, and occasionally a name or a classic inscription, is proved to have been in the possession of the Romans, and undoubtedly of the Carthaginians before them, who could have had no difficulty in holding this flat and exposed country.

The instability of the elliptical arch has been sufficiently proved by argument, and Ammanuti's attempt has proved it by example.

The instability of the elliptical arch has been sufficiently proved by argument, and Ammanuti's attempt has proved it by example.

This is what our poet may be charged with, and what may be proved beyond refutation.

"It will be a very serious injury for him to be taken from his business and detained in prison until this can be proved.

Alas, her wretched forebodings proved too true.

But the imperial throne, even if it had been directly offered to him, would have proved no temptation to a soul like his.

The conduct of this base hypocrite proved that the warning presentiment against him had not been without foundation.

Isaac T. Hopper was sent for, and easily proved that the character of the young man and his father was above all suspicion.

He agreed to do so; but he deemed it prudent to have a previous interview with Mr. Darg, to obtain his written promise to manumit Thomas, to pay the necessary expenses of the journey, and to exonerate from criminal prosecution any person or persons connected with the robbery, provided that assurance proved necessary in order to get possession of the money.

Through the whole course of the affair, he proved himself to be a very irresolute and unreliable character.

The fourth radio talk on the life, character and accomplishments of the world's foremost inventor proved to be the most interesting of the series.

"This typewriter proved a difficult thing to make commercial.

If it be proved that any one has drawn a knife to strike another, or has drawn blood, he shall lose his hand.

With the monasteries and the fixed residence in them appeared a fixed membership of the order, which, on account of the Jaina principle of unconditional obedience toward the teacher, proved to be much stricter than in Buddhism.

The men who wrote these articles, and the leaders of the societies and clubs which inspired them, certainly made a pitiable showing; they proved that they themselves were only learning, and had not yet completely mastered, the difficult art of self government.

"Then do not take it; all you want is a knife and a few trivial things such as keys in your pocket, so that if you should be searched nothing can be proved.

And I shall remark several times when the eagerness of fighting was the worst counsel, and proved our loss.

The blow broke one of my fingers, and bruised my hand very much; and it proved a very painful hurt to me.

proven 306 occurrences

Subsequent history has proven that the Federalists were right.

Anotherit will be easier to keep an eye on him until Naughty is returned, or"her voice had the vindictive ring of a Roman matron's"this person's culpability is proven.

I believe praise is worthless unless proven to the hiltas for instance: I have come to bare my thoughts to you, which is a bold compliment in these days of treachery.

He had already proven beyond any doubt that he was a capable airman, even though he did have a crippled arm.

The mystery was now solved, and, after all, Puss had been proven innocent on this last count.

[Sidenote: Sir Launcelot talks with King Bagdemagus] "Sire," said Sir Launcelot, "I know not how much aid I may be to thee until that matter is proven.

While Kant correctly described these functions of the intuiting and thinking spirit, and showed them actual, they must further be proven, be shown necessary or deduced.

"But that is not enough to enable the freshmen to win, even admitting the English oar to be better, which has not been proven," said Emery.

Frank had proven that it was not necessary for a man to drink at Yale in order to be esteemed as a good fellow.

" "A flag of truce!" repeated the other; "where is it?" "I gave him my pledge to shield him against you folks, as he agreed to do if your party had proven to be his friends.

This was proven by what they did a few minutes later, for they separated into two divisions, one turning to the right and the other to the left.

You're experienced, proven Starmen now!

The machine was already on the lawn surrounded by Hermia's guests and preliminary experiments had proven that all was ready.

He has proven himself a politician.

The verb prove is redundant, if proven, which is noticed by Webster, Bolles, and Worcester, is an admissible word.

"The participle proven is used in Scotland and in some parts of the United States, and sometimes, though rarely, in England.

'There is a mighty difference between not proven and disproven.'

Prove, proved, proving, proved or proven.

To the second assumption, I answer that the date of the first Hamlet is "not proven:" it may have been an early play.

The trouble is that we are able to see so little into the positive detail of it, and that if once admitted not to be coercively proven by the intellectualist arguments, it remains only a hypothetic possibility.

We all have to die, which is a proven fact.

Hitherto it had seemed to me clearly proven that admiring contemplation entailed this retroaction.

But this importance, clearly proven as it was, was not yet fully explained to me.

Their intervention in all forms of emotion being proven to me, it would seem that the very frequency of that intervention should exclude the possibility of assigning any particular role to this agent.

""Foundations," p. 79. "'Proven' is borrowed from the Scotch legal dialect.

Do we say   proved   or  proven