111 examples of prude in sentences

there's no prude will match your virtuous wife You'd banish me? Regent.

For either you did there conclude To do at length as I did, Or passion's fashion's turn'd a prude, And troth's an oath derided.

CHAPTER IV: AN 'INGLORIOUS MILTON' Argemone, sweet prude, thought herself bound to read Honoria a lecture that night, on her reckless exhibition of feeling; but it profited little.

She had married, at eighteen, a man far her inferior in intellect; and had becomeas often happens in such casesa prude and a devotee.

and that Mrs. Robinson is at the same time a prude and a kept mistress?

I have a mind at this point to put you in possession of a rather lively conversation on this particular point, while I was still very young, with a prude, whom an adventure of some brilliancy unmasked.

They imagine that a woman whose virtue is not always on the qui vive, will be easier to overcome than a prude; even experience does not undeceive them.

"The prude, it is true, follows a quite different method.

Quit playing the prude, and stay here!

Why are you playing the prude with me?

But if an agreeable Height, a modest Air, a Virgin Shame, and Impatience of being beheld, amidst a Blaze of ten thousand CharmsThe whole Room flew outOh Mr. Triplett!When Mrs. Lofty, a known Prude, said she believed she knew whom the Gentleman meant; but she was indeed, as he civilly represented her, impatient of being beheldThen turning to the Lady next to herThe most unbred Creature you ever saw.

Mr. SPECTATOR, I am one of that sort of Women whom the gayer Part of our Sex are apt to call a Prude.

There is an impressive sketch of the elderly prude: "wise, austere, and nice, Who showed her virtue by her scorn of vice"; and another of the selfish and worldly life of the Lady at the Great House who prefers to spend her fortune in London, and leaves her tenants to the tender mercies of her steward.

These gentlemen had heard of her being regarded as "a pattern lady in the North"; and they had made up an image of a prude and a blue in their own minds, which Byron presently set himself to work to pull down.

I'll try to be a prude.

Heaven alone knows what a real prude is.

"Mais elle était un peu prude, Et n'avait pas l'habitude De coqueter, comme les autres demoiselles; Jusqu'à ce que le Lord Mayor (Homme brutal, comme tous les pères) L'éloigna de sa tourterelle.

The rake on one hand, the prude on the other, represent the ultimate consequence of the process I am trying to describe.

And when you see the extreme result, the prude on one side, the rake on the other, do you not begin to desire a better way?

Olivia, a small Poem of humour against a Prude.

I need not add, that a Fan is either a Prude or Coquet according to the Nature of the Person [who ] bears it.

It was the Heart of Melissa, a noted Prude who lives the next Door to me.

'A Prude often preserves her Reputation when she has lost her Virtue.

She was a Girl of such exuberant Mirth, that her Visit to Trophonius only reduced her to a more than ordinary Decency of Behaviour, and made a very pretty Prude of her.

" "Do they not offend you?" "Oh, I am no prude" "Do you mean to say Sir Lupus sanctions it?"

111 examples of  prude  in sentences