1760 examples of prudent in sentences

Outdoor bathing should not be taken for at least an hour after a full meal, and except for the robust it is not prudent to bathe with the stomach empty, especially before breakfast.

Then woman became not merely the gentle nurse and the prudent housewife and the disinterested lover, but a friend, an angel of consolation, the equal of man in character, and his superior in the virtues of the heart and soul.

Anselm belonged to a noble but impoverished family; his father was violent and unthrifty, but his mother was religious and prudent.

In publishing this study at the present time, I expose myself to the blame of prudent men.

But if, by the gift of grace, we have faith, we remember "I thank Thee, Father, that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and has revealed them unto babes: even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight.

But of Hayti I shall be silent; having heard more of the state of society in that unhappy place than it is prudent, for the sake of the few white residents, to tell at present.

He would be arrested for violating the ordinances and afterwards advertised in the newspapers, so the peaceful and prudent Basilio left the carromata and went his way on foot, carrying his valise.

Some prudent persons added with winks and half-uttered words that his Black Eminence was advising the General to avail himself of the Chinese in order to humble the tenacious pride of the natives.

Butler is driven to fall back on the sceptical argument that we are extremely ignorant; that all things are possible, even eternal hell fire; and that therefore the safe and prudent course is to accept the Christian doctrine.

The fanatics, not satisfied with the death of the king, demanded, with the Bible in their hands, additional victims; and the politicians deemed it prudent by the display of punishment to restrain the machinations of their enemies.

He is a prudent man who is not only undeceived by apparent stability, but is able to forecast the lines upon which movement will take place.

" This discreet reproach wounded her so profoundly that she allowed herself at last to say: "Well, monsieur, when there is so much extravagance on the one hand, it is well to be prudent on the other.

And 'tis but natural that if they find prudent excuse for withholding their rents they will keep their money in pocket, which will pinch us smartly when our bills come to be paid.

About eight o'clock he reaches the Court, to find all shut and barred by the prudent housekeeper, who, on letting him in (with many exclamations of joy and wonder), falls presently to sighing and shaking her head, as she tells how her mistress has lain abed since dinner, and is sick of the biliaries.

The ship threatened to sink, and they deemed it prudent to remain by her no longer, so they set sail in their boats and left her.

Indeed, indeed, Captain Tomlinson, Mr. Lovelace has not acted by me either as a grateful or a generous man, nor even as a prudent one!He knows not, as I told him yesterday, the value of the heart he has insulted!

v. 21, "that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight."

To shut up all in brief, where good government is, prudent and wise princes, there all things thrive and prosper, peace and happiness is in that land: where it is otherwise, all things are ugly to behold, incult, barbarous, uncivil, a paradise is turned to a wilderness.

And is it possible you can so easily believe your religious father to be in hell; your prudent, pious mother to be void of the love of God, and in a state of damnation, &c. This argument 'ad affectum' is beautifully and forcibly stated; but yet defective by the omission of the point;not for unbelief or misbelief of any article of faith, but simply for not being a member of this particular part of the Church of Christ.

I think it prudent to follow this advice.

Then he thought it prudent to get nearer to the Palais de l'Industrie.

Its members were prudent and calm, men of letters before all, who avoided notoriety, and contented themselves with private discussion; it was thought better policy to keep them under observation, and between four walls.

It has long been my intention to leave behind me my own Memoirs, as a post-obit for my familya wise intention no doubt, and one which it is not very prudent to procrastinate.

I suppose it must be very difficult for clever people to believe, the wise and prudent who demand a reason for everything; but Christ said that in this the foolish things of the world would confound the wise.

God created medicines out of the earth, And a prudent man will not be disgusted with them.

1760 examples of  prudent  in sentences