4 examples of pruner in sentences

I got him back from his deportation, where he had been working as a pruner of coconut-palms, and have made him a pyrotechnist.

Originally a pruner of trees, he had broken a baker's window and stolen a loaf one hard winter when there was no work to be had, and for this the sentence was five years.

The only pruners have been goats, or other animals, daintily cropping the green shoots.

design'd To be destroy'd to propagate his kind, 570 Lest thy redundant and superfluous juice, Should fading leaves instead of fruits produce, The pruner's hand, with letting blood, must quench Thy heat, and thy exub'rant parts retrench: Then from the joints of thy prolific stem A swelling knot is raisèd (call'd a gem), Whence, in short space, itself the cluster shows, 577

4 examples of  pruner  in sentences