608 examples of prunes in sentences

The Nestorians and Armenians eat no fish in Lent; but the monk had a chest under the altar, with almonds, and raisins, and dried prunes, and other fruits, on which he fed when alone.

A plaine case: they lie fallow and get hart, then they keepe themselves so in health and so soluble with stewd prunes; and then sipping of sack is a great matter to fatten 'em.

I thinke I sha'not, unless it be to wonder, When you are in the Ivie bush, that face Cut upon Tafata, that creame and prunes, So many plums in white broth, that scutcheon of Pretence powderd with ermines.

" From Shirley we learn that the apprentices took their pleasure in the mild form of treating their sweethearts to cream and prunes: "You have some festivals, I confess, but when They happen, you run wild to the next village, Conspire a knot and club your groats apiece For cream and prunes, not daring to be drunk.

" From Shirley we learn that the apprentices took their pleasure in the mild form of treating their sweethearts to cream and prunes: "You have some festivals, I confess, but when They happen, you run wild to the next village, Conspire a knot and club your groats apiece For cream and prunes, not daring to be drunk.

Apples, pears, apricots, plums, prunes, peaches, cherries, grapes, and all berries flourish in the greatest profusion.

Peaches, apples, and prunes of superior quality delighted the eye.

If costiveness offend in this, or any other of the three species, it is to be corrected with suppositories, clysters or lenitives, powder of senna, condite prunes, &c. [Symbol: Rx] Elect.

Eat with stewed prunes, figs, &c., or with butter or nut butteralmond cream butter is both delicious and wholesome.

Search revealed nothing but a bag of prunes, which had been on the shelf for months, and were as dry as a bone.

She put the prunes to soak and the potatoes in the oven and went down to the store.

Edith Cushing Grandgent (C); 18Mar55; R146393. Prunes and prism, with other odds and ends.

Prunes and prism.

I never offer one to a man with a small head and high heels on his boots, with his chin in the air, because I know, in the nature of things, that he will be jealous of superior women; nor to a woman whose mouth has the "prunes and prisms" expression, for I know she will say, "I have all the rights I want.

PRUNE PIE.Prepare and cook sweet California prunes as directed for Prune Marmalade.

TISANE.This is a favorite French beverage, and is prepared by chopping fine a cupful of dried fruits, such as prunes, figs, or prunelles, and steeping for an hour in a quart of water, afterward straining, sweetening to taste, and cooling on ice before using.

Fresh Apples Toasted Whole-Wheat Wafers Rolled Wheat with Cream Grape Toast Whole-Wheat Puffs Toasted Wafers Baked Sweet Apples Stewed Prunes Cream Hot Milk Cost: Apples (fresh and baked), one half peck, 10c.

; two and one half lbs. of California prunes, 37c.

3 Baked Apples Graham Grits with Cream Cream Toast Graham Gems Graham and Whole-Wheat Wafers Stewed Prunes

; prunes, 10c.

Fruit sandwichesmade by spreading slices of light whole-wheat or Graham bread with a little whipped cream and then with fresh fruit jam lightly sweetened, with fig sauce or steamed figs chopped, steamed prunes or sliced bananasare most relishable.

Stuffed Figs Stuffed Prunes White Fondant BEVERAGES Blackberry Cordial Blackberry Wine Breakfast Cocoa Cherry Bounce Cherry Brandy Cherry Syrup Chocolate Nectar Chocolate Syrup Clabbered Milk Claret Cup Coffee Coffee Coffee for Twenty People Cold Egg Wine Cordial Delicious and Nourishing Summer Drink Egg Lemonade Egg Nog Filtered Coffee

Spiced or Pickled Apples Spiced or Pickled Cherries Spiced Cucumbers Spiced German Plums Spiced Grapes Strawberries and Pineapple Strawberries in the Sun Tomatoes Watermelon Pickle BRANDIED FRUITS Brandied Cherries Brandied Peaches Brandied Pears Brandied Quinces French Prunes in Cognac Melange CANNED VEGETABLES Directions for Canning VEGETABLES PRESERVED IN BRINE Boiled Beans Corn

Glacé Cakes CakesGeneral Directions for Making Cakes, To Bake Calf's Brains, Fried Calf's Brains, Sour Calf's Feet, Prunes and Chestnuts Calf's Feet, Scharf Calf's Foot Jelly Calfs' Hearts Calf's Liver, Smothered in Onions Calf's Lung and Heart, Hashed Canapés Candied Fruits Candied Lemon and Orange Peel Candies and Sweets Canned Fruit, Frozen Canned Fruits General Rules Sterilizing Jars, etc.

L. E. D.The medical effects of the damson and common prunes are, to abate heat, and gently loosen the belly: which they perform by lubricating the passage, and softening the excrement.

608 examples of  prunes  in sentences