Do we say psych or psyche

psych 2 occurrences

" Herbert Spencer sums up the matter concisely (Psych., II., 578) when he speaks of "that remoteness from sensations and appetites and from ideas of such sensations and appetites which is the common trait of the feelings we call sentiments.

[Footnote 14: Bastian, Ueber psych.

psyche 267 occurrences

When a drop of Psyche's candle fell on Cupid's shoulder, I think sure it was to kiss it.

Penia or Atalanta shall not overgo them, through seas, deserts, mountains, and dangerous places, as they did to gaze on Psyche: "many mortal men came far and near to see that glorious object of her age," Paris for Helena, Corebus to Troja.

For at his and Psyche's wedding, the gods being present to grace the feast, Ganymede filled nectar in abundance (as Apuleius describes it), Vulcan was the cook, the Hours made all fine with roses and flowers, Apollo played on the harp, the Muses sang to it, sed suavi Musicae super ingressa Venus saltavit, but his mother Venus danced to his and their sweet content.

Psyche ran whining after Cupid, "Formosum tua te

Psyche formosa requirit, Et poscit te dia deum, puerumque puella;" "Fair Cupid, thy fair Psyche to thee sues, A lovely lass a fine young gallant woos;"

Psyche formosa requirit, Et poscit te dia deum, puerumque puella;" "Fair Cupid, thy fair Psyche to thee sues, A lovely lass a fine young gallant woos;"

He has always been fond of personal delineations, from Claribel and Lilian down to his Ida, his Psyche, and his Maud; but they have been of shadowy quality, doubtful as to flesh and blood, and with eyes having little or no speculation in them.

" He gazed ruminantly away from the lagoon to the pool of Psyche, where the Tahitian women squatted on their shapely haunches and thumped their clothes.

Auro, the Golden One, as her name meant, had been washing her muslin slips in the pool of Psyche, and now stood in the entrance to it.

Past the bust of Bougainville, past the offices of Emile Levy, the pearler whom, to Levy's intense anger, Jack London slew in "The House of Mapuhi"; past the naval depot, the American consulate with the red, white, and blue flung in the breeze; the Commissariat de Police, the pool of Psyche, and all the rows of schooners that line the quays, with their milken sails drying on their masts, and I am by the stores of the merchants.


Or, if a French or English picture were preferred, INGRES' "La Source," from the Louvre, or LEIGHTON'S "Bath of Psyche" from the National Gallery, could be used with the same touching legend.

It was titled 'A peep into Goan psyche'.

But a brief stint in the mid-90's has left an indelible mark on my psyche.

COLLYER, ROBERT M., tr. Psyche.

SEE Bosschere, Jean de. Psyche.


Psyche, with a conclusion and notes by Claude Farrere.

Psyche, with a conclusion and notes by Claude Farrere.

Beer for Psyche.

Love's Mistress is the appropriate and attractive title of a dramatization of the last-born fancy of the mythopoeic spirit of Greece, Apuleius' tale of Cupid and Psyche.

BANKS, THOMAS, an eminent English sculptor, born at Lambeth; first appreciated by the Empress Catharine; his finest works, "Psyche" and "Achilles Enraged," now in the entrance-hall of Burlington House; he excelled in imaginative art (1735-1805).

CUPID AND PSYCHE, an allegorical representation of the trials of the soul on its way to the perfection of bliss, being an episode in the "Golden Ass" of Apuleius.


And I clasp thee, out of slumber when the rosy day is born, As the soul, with rapture waking, clasps the resurrection morn. 'Twas thy soul-wife, 'twas thy Psyche, one uplifted, radiant day, Thou didst call me;how divinely on thy brow Love's glory lay!

Do we say   psych   or  psyche