18 examples of psychically in sentences

Cold hands and feet plague him, cold feet psychically as well as physically, for a chronic and obsessive indecision is one of his most prominent complaints.

His wife recalls Florence Nightingale, in face, figure and conduct (people who are built alike as regards their internal secretions are those whom we recognize as similar physically and psychically).

The woman was psychically torn.

But although psychically akin, he is in truth widely separated from the mystics in spirit and temperament and belief.

Thus, the most recent philosophy throws light on the most ancient mystic teaching, and both point to the conclusion that our normal waking consciousness is but one special type of many other forms of consciousness, by which we are surrounded, but from which we are, most of us, physically and psychically screened.

Honora asked one evening when Kate had been telling a tale of psychically sinister import.

This is, psychically, interesting.

Had the bell actually been rung, and heard psychically, it would have been a case of astral plane hearing, known as clairaudience.

Outside of anything else, it tends to render the person negative, psychically, instead of positiveit tends to make him or her subject to the psychic influence of others, on both the physical and astral plane, instead of retaining his or her own self-control and mastery.

For instance, in space clairvoyance the trained clairvoyant is able not only to perceive things happening at points far distant, but may also (if highly developed psychically) be able to perceive the details just mentioned as well as if he were at that distant point in person.

Moreover, this thought-form of himself is connected psychically with himself and affords a channel of psychic information for him.

It may be that you are not desirous of cultivating or practicing the power of influencing other persons psychically.

The cultivation of these three mental principles will tend to make you active and positive, psychically, as contrasted with the passive, negative mental state of the average person.

Any special command you wish to convey to another person, psychically, you will do well to practice before the mirror in this way.

Having established the en rapport condition with the other person, and having thus practically brought him into your presence, psychically speaking, you may proceed to send him commands or demands, just as you did in the phase of personal psychic influence previously mentioned.

You should say, mentally, "I deny to any person the power to influence me psychically without my consent; I am positive to all such influences, and they are negative to me; I neutralize them by this denial!"

So, in short, we go through life attracting or repelling, psychically, others in harmonious or inharmonious psychic relation to us, respectively.

If you wish to treat yourself psychically for some physical disorder, or if you wish to do good to others in the same way, you have but to put into operation the general principles of psychic influence herein described.

18 examples of  psychically  in sentences