2272 examples of puff in sentences

Don't puff and blow like that!

A passing gale, a puff of wind Dispels thy thickest troops combined.

The greater part of it was a sonorous exposition of ultra-liberal principles, 'Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité,' 'Vox populi, vox Dei,' a very liberal tribute to the vanity and to the prejudices of the classes who might be expected to send their children to the institution or to puff it; with an elaborate pivot à la Lacordairethat the Church had achieved all that had been effected in this genre hitherto.

He leaped in the sea with a puff and a blare

At the moment I reached the plain, a little puff of white smoke rose on the air, far to the rear of the herders.

" He blew and he blew, and she thinned to a thread: "One puff more's enough To blow her to snuff!

One good puff more where the last was bred, And glimmer, glimmer, glum, will go the thread.

The door might have been slammed by a sudden puff of wind owing to some inner door being opened; and as for the grip on the handle, that may have been nothing more than the snick catching.

Off Java Head the main topsail was split in a squall, and Cook remarks that all his sails are now in such a condition that "they will hardly stand the least puff of wind."

Just behind them a passing puff of wind lifted a single leaf, looked at it, then laid it softly down again without disturbing the rest of the covey.

Now and then came a light puff of wind, whereupon the men would ship the little mast, and crowd on an enormous quantity of sail.

The angels, blowing their trumpets, puff and strain like so many troopers.

Quick as thought, with the instinct born of a semi-guerrilla army experience, he raised his gun and fired twice at the point from which a faint puff of smoke showed the hostile bullet to have been sent.

Is it a lifeless corpse, save only when popular "consent" deigns to puff breath into its nostrils?

L. [Footnote 1: This is a fourth puff (see Nos. 223, 229, 290) of Addison's friend Ambrose Philips.

Ever since the Decease of [Cully ]- Mully-Puff of agreeable and noisy Memory, I cannot say I have observed any thing sold in Carts, or carried by Horse or Ass, or in fine, in any moving Market, which is not perished or putrified; witness the Wheel-barrows of rotten Raisins, Almonds, Figs, and Currants, which you see vended by a Merchant dressed in a second-hand Suit of a Foot Soldier.


To make good puff paste one must have all the ingredients cold.

The baking of puff paste is almost as important as the rolling, and the oven must be very hot, with the greatest heat at the bottom, so that the paste will rise before it browns.

TARTLETS Roll puff paste one-eighth of an inch thick; cut it into squares; turn the points together into the middle and press slightly to make them stay.

Cut some good puff paste into little triangles and fill with the mince, turning the corners of the paste over it so as to make little puffs.

Line patty-tins with puff paste; fill with the mixture and bake twenty minutes.

COCOANUT PIE Line a pie-plate with puff paste and fill with the following custard: Butter size of an egg, creamed with one cup of granulated sugar, one tablespoon of flour, three-fourths cup of grated cocoanut, one tablespoon of milk, vanilla, pinch of salt, and the beaten whites of three eggs.

LEMON PIE, No. 1 Cover the reverse side of a deep pie-plate with a rich puff paste, and bake a light brown.

MOHNTORTE Line a form with a rich puff paste, fill with half a pound of white mohn (poppy seed) which has been previously soaked in milk and then ground.

2272 examples of  puff  in sentences