76 examples of pull over in sentences

He was remarkably intelligent and absolutely unscrupulous, didn't hesitate to put into the mouths of people what he wished them to say, so he naturally had a great pull over the ordinary simple-minded journalist who wrote simply what he saw and heard.

It gave the Doctor such a pull over me as nothing else could.

He missed the daily strife of keeping his team-mates in trace, the yapping at his heels, the straight long pull over the open spaces and the barrens.

It's a goodish pull over this 'ere bridge.

It is here that the individual, who need consult no one but himself, has a pull over any form of organization, where decisions are reached by the method of debate and agreement among a heterogeneous committee.

"I wish I had an extra pair of woolen stockings to pull over my shoes; the snow and ice will be cold walking.

These requirements must help a woman, and in the possession of the qualities that games bestow athletic girls have a great pull over their sisters.

But I've got one pull over the othersI can paint you!

There's where old Popp has the pull over 'emHE knows how we live and what we want.

You fellows have such a pull over us poor soldiers; you can be improving the time while we're on guard.

I have a pull over you.

Are you going to have all your presents paraded on the study-table, for everybody to pull over and compare values,and have one mortified, and another elated, and all uncomfortable?" "Why, what can I do?" "I know what I wouldn't do.

"Yes,and she said she would as soon, and sooner, go to a silversmith's and pull over all the things on the counter.

Then came a long, dreary pull over a low range of hills, which brought us to another beautiful valley where the pasturage was abundant, and more wells marked the site of good camping grounds.

I saw Sir Hargrave struggle to pull over her mouth a handkerchief, which was tied around her head.

The pull over sea ice was very heavy and in face of strong wind and drift.

There's not a few of them would like to cook your goose for you,I needn't tell you why; so, if you don't want them to get the flashest kind of a pull over you, why, you'll take my advice and keep dark.

This gave him a pull over most of us, who started life as infants.

Ill We settled down for the long pull over First Mountain.

I'll gladly pull over to the curb.

I'll gladly pull over to the curb.

As Susan was a woman of heavy weight, it did not take much effort on her part to pull over the ladder, together with Dent and the pail of water.

But at that time, you see, he had not all the desirablesnot quite the pull over other men that he has now; his brother was not dead or likely to die, and he was only General Tempest, with nothing much besides his pay.

"By the eyes of my mistress!" cried a Spaniard belonging to the College of Narbonne, with huge mustaches curled half-way up his bronzed and insolent visage, and a slouched hat pulled over his brow.

Archie kindled a fire in the stovefor it was a cold, unpleasant dayand Frank pulled from under the work-bench a large chest, filled with spring-traps, "dead-falls," broken reels, scraps of lead, and numberless other things he had collected, and began to pull over the contents.

76 examples of  pull over  in sentences