110 examples of pulmonary in sentences

The use of prussic acid in the cure of consumptions, lately suggested by M. Magendie, at Paris, is little more than the revival of the Dutch practice in this disorder; for Linnaeus informs us, that distilled laurel water was frequently used in the cure of pulmonary consumption.

About the same date he suffered from an illness which he regarded as a dangerous pulmonary attack, and he made up his mind to quit England for Italy; accompanied by his wife, their two infants William and Clara, Miss Clairmont, and her infant Allegra, who was soon afterwards consigned to Lord Byron in Venice.

I sit like Philomel all day (but not singing), with my breast against this thorn of a desk, with the only hope that some pulmonary affliction may relieve me.

"No fact in medicine is better established than that which proves the hereditary transmission from parents to children of a constitutional liability to pulmonary disease, and especially to consumption; yet no condition is less attended to in forming matrimonial engagements.

This water of Labassère is sulphurous, and is considered highly beneficial in cases of chronic bronchial catarrh, congestion of the lungs, pulmonary consumption, spasmodic coughs, skin diseases, and chronic laryngitis.

The waters are specially recommended in cases of pulmonary consumption and affections of the air passagesalso for chronic maladies of the abdominal viscera, intermittent fevers, hypochondria, and hysteria.

" [Footnote: About 1868, the author of SCIENCE AND HEALTH healed Mr. Whittier with one visit, at his home in Amesbury, of incipient pulmonary consumption.

Examine the large vessels, and, by reference to the text and illustrations, make quite certain which are the aorta, the pulmonary artery, the superior and inferior venæ cavæ, and the pulmonary veins.

Examine the large vessels, and, by reference to the text and illustrations, make quite certain which are the aorta, the pulmonary artery, the superior and inferior venæ cavæ, and the pulmonary veins.

Continue to lay open the ventricle towards the pulmonary artery until the semilunar valves come into view.

The pulmonary artery may now be opened from above so as to display the upper surfaces of the semilunar valves.

Open the left auricle, and notice the entrance of the pulmonary veins, and the passage into the ventricle.

Consumptive patients are, however, soon carried off, the biting blasts from the Canadian shores proving very fatal in pulmonary complaints, and the winters being very severe.

Conspicuous among these diseases is pulmonary consumption.

Tuberculin did, indeed, cure certain minor forms of tuberculous disease, such as the skin affection known as lupus, but it soon became evident that it was almost impotent in the treatment of pulmonary consumption.

Adj. blowing &c v.; windy, flatulent; breezy, gusty, squally; stormy, tempestuous, blustering; boisterous &c (violent) 173. pulmonic [Med.], pulmonary.

On the night of our arrival, as we were about getting into our beds, a sudden and horrible gush of brimstone vapor came up stairs, and we all fell to coughing like patients in a pulmonary hospital.

Other forms of disease have, however, taken their place, pulmonary affections and fevers of the typhoid type being more prevalent than formerly; but as most of the immigrants into Northern Illinois are from Western New York and New England, where this latter class of diseases prevails, the people are much less alarmed by them than they used to be by the bilious diseases, though the latter were really less dangerous.

The Use of the Mullein Plant in the Treatment of Pulmonary Consumption.

Pulmonary consumption, too, the scourge alike of England and the sea-coast of America, is so rare in the northern parts of New York and Pennsylvania, and the whole of Upper Canada, that in eight years' residence I have not seen as many cases of the disease as I have in a day's visit to a provincial infirmary at home.

Pulmonary edema and inflammation: an analysis of processes involved in the formation and removal of pulmonary transudates and exudates.

Pulmonary edema and inflammation: an analysis of processes involved in the formation and removal of pulmonary transudates and exudates.

CLARK, SIR JAMES, physician to the Queen, born in Cullen; an authority on the influence of climate on chronic and pulmonary disease (1788-1870).

COMBE, ANDREW, M.D., a physician and physiologist, born in Edinburgh; studied under Spurzheim in Edinburgh and Paris, but on his return to his native city was seized with pulmonary consumption, which rendered him a confirmed invalid, so that he had to spend his winters abroad; was eminent as a physician; was a believer in phrenology; produced three excellent popular works on Physiology, Digestion, and the Management of Infancy (1797-1847).

But a certain unity is given to the book by the admirable consistency of the characters," his masterpieces, among which is "Uncle Toby"; the author died in London of pulmonary consumption (1713-1763).

110 examples of  pulmonary  in sentences